Leah Negron
Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica, Women's Fiction, Literary Fiction, LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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- Member Since
Oct 2019
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- Country
United States
- Born
3 May
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Author, Publisher
Author & Poet Leah Negron
Author of Chaos & Havoc,
Romantic Suspense,
& Edge of Your Seat Thrillers.
Where chaos comes with a price
& everything you can imagine is real.
Leah Negron has been an avid reader from a very young age. She has a voracious need to read the written word devouring as many books as possible. Leah has been a promoter for authors for about eleven years. Sharing their work, entering them in contests, and telling everyone who will listen about their books. She started writing her own poetry in late 2016. Sharing one poem with an author friend lead her to write more. Fine-tuning her craft, she is now in several poetry and short story anthologies. Leah has also written her first short story for autism speaks charity anthology. This has gotten her recognition not only as a poet but as a storyteller as well. Leah Has published a few books of her own and continues to write. She has been asked to be a part of several more anthologies. In her spare time, she is an animal advocate and volunteers with a local shelter. She helps with TNR, adoptions, and is a foster to fur babies. Leah is a happily married woman and has been with her spouse for 23 years.