Linda Ganzini


Linda Ganzini

Linda Ganzini

Historical Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs, History

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2019

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  • Born

    May 13

  • Profession

    Art Director, Artist, Novelist


Author Linda Ganzini is a natural-born creative. At a young age, she discovered her talent for art and singing. Over the years, she immersed herself in painting, writing lyrics, recording music that garnered international recognition, and would go on to earn awards for her graphic design work. A native of Canada, who spent her summers in Italy, Linda caught the travel bug and embarked on the adventure of living and working abroad in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. In addition to her artistic work, travelling, and exploring the great outdoors, one of Linda’s deepest passions is bringing her family’s story to life, creating a legacy for them, and providing a voice for the voiceless. Her award-winning book LILIA is a homage to her family and their history. She makes her home on beautiful Okanagan Lake, Canada.


Book Trailer for Lilia

Linda Ganzini Books

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