
Luigi Pascal Rondanini
Crime Fiction, Literary Fiction, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, Parenting, Business
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- Member Since
Sep 2023
- Gender
- Country
United Kingdom
- Born
22 November
- Profession
Manager, author and illustrator
Luigi Pascal Rondanini's determination and tenacity in pursuing his ideals pushed him to leave his native Naples to pursue the opportunities offered by the world.
Born in November 1967 and raised in the capital of Campania, from a young age he cultivated a passion for writing and politics. The desire for social justice led him to actively engage in social issues and to write literary works inspired by these values.
At a very young age, he moved abroad to the United Kingdom, where he embarked on a brilliant career in the financial sector and continued his passion for writing, infusing his works with social and political themes with courage and frankness.
Despite living in London, Rondanini has never lost the connection with his Neapolitan roots after having lived on five continents. In his writings, Neapolitan culture and identity emerge vividly as an example of cultural diversity that enriches humanity.
Rondanini wants to inspire readers to pursue their dreams with courage and determination. His story demonstrates how, with commitment and sacrifice, you can achieve great goals while remaining true to yourself and your values.