George Klein


George Klein

George Klein

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense

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  • Member Since

    Jan 2023

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    3 August

  • Profession



I was born and raised in Western Arkansas and am an avid outdoorsman. I have spent most of my life hunting and hiking in the mountains of West Central Arkansas and use that area as the backgound for my crime/thriller books.
In real life I worked at an international printing company as the maintenance supervisor for forty years. I was married for 59 years before losing my wife to cancer. We had four children. A son, who died of cancer at thirty-seven, three daughters, who are all married, four grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.
I also worked for seven years as a volunteer police officer on the Reserve Police Force where I joined the Combat Pistol team and have won several trophies in that field.
Currently I teach chess at a private school, bowl, help with a fundraiser named after me, and enjoy the outdoors bowhunting with my grandson and hiking.

George Klein Books

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