Pamela R Anderson-Bartholet


Pamela R Anderson-Bartholet

Pamela R Anderson-Bartholet


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    Aug 2020

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    United States

  • Born

    27 May

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"Just the Girls" (The Poetry Box Press) cover is a co-creation by two artists Meredith Balogh and R.E. Anderson (both graduates of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio). This cover shows a strong, resilient, confident, sassy woman. In her eyes you can see that she has "been around the block"--but experiences have not broken her...they have made her even more capable of tackling whatever life throws her direction.

When Finishing Line Press accepted my poetry book WIDOW MAKER for publication, I asked Meredith Balogh and R.E. Anderson to again create a cover, which they did. It is another great piece of art that perfectly represents that book, which deals with my husband's sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and recovery.

THE GALLOPING GARBAGE TRUCK (Kelsay Books) cover (and inside illustrations) were created by R.E. Anderson.

For my part, I am a traveler...lover of blues music...poet...hiker...wife and practitioner...and former fundraiser for public radio. Now that I have retired from my professional career, the door is wide open for new adventures.

Education: MFA from the Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts Program...AA and MA from Kent State University...BA from Hiram College.

Pamela R Anderson-Bartholet Books

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