Peter George


Peter George

Peter George

Advice & How To

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  • Member Since

    Apr 2022

  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    7 July

  • Profession

    Speaker, Public Speaking Coach, Author


Speaking in public didn't come easy to me. I grew up with a lisp and a stutter that caused me to resist talking to others. But, for the most part, both speech impediments were gone by the time I got to high school. Yet, I still was reluctant to speak up in front of others. It wasn't until I got into the corporate world that I learned how powerful and influential public speaking skills could be.

Now, as a public speaking coach, speaker, and podcast host, I help people develop dynamic public speaking skills. As a result, they can consistently and confidently deliver compelling presentations that resonate with and benefit their audiences. To help them achieve this, I created the AMP'D Framework™ -- an easy-to-follow system based on the magical blend of art and science that produces engaging talks and captivating speakers.

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