Ron Owen


Ron Owen

Ron Owen

Thriller, Mystery, Action & Adventure

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  • Member Since

    Mar 2019

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    1 October

  • Profession

    author, automotive graphics


It took over 8 years to write my debut novel, The Rise of Kali. Hopefully, it won't take nearly as long to write the sequel, The Descent of Kali.

Kali Hunter is a theft recovery specialist. That means when high-end items are stolen, Kali and her team steal them back and return them to the rightful owners.

After losing her father in a plane crash, Kali has no hope of getting him back until she receives a phone call from her father's friend, archaeologist, Gunter von Hausen. After a lifetime of searching, he has finally found evidence of the location of the Evolution Stone, an artifact with the power to change history.

But changing history has unpredictable consequences. If Kali succeeds in bringing her father back, will she be able to live with the consequences?
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