Sadie Grubor


Sadie Grubor

Sadie Grubor

Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica

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  • Member Since

    Sep 2017

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    United States

  • Born

    10 March

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Sadie Grubor
Sadie Grubor is a Haribo Gummy Candy Whore & a foul-mouthed writer of smexy times and characters who typically have immature and inappropriate humor. Yes, this is a reflection of her. She can only hope you respect her in the morning, but doesn't expect it.

At some point, she may offend you. Yes, she realizes this and owns it. Trying to change this outcome has proved futile in the past. It's best to just let her trashy mouth weed out the classy folk. Everyone is better off that way.

Sadie's darker side: V Fiorello
Where the black gummy bears come out to play.

Sadie Grubor Books

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