Serena James Chase


Serena James Chase

Serena James Chase

Contemporary Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance

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  • Member Since

    Dec 2020

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    13 February

  • Profession



Serena James Chase is a romance lover. She began writing short fiction and pieces of stories down on paper in the early 2000s for fun, but she'd been constructing and writing them in her head since she was a child. The common thread in most of what she wrote centered on two people finding each other and how they overcome all the obstacles on their way to finding love.

In 2005, Serena wrote her first novel-length story, a classic romance about two people mad for each other. Like every first draft, it was...tragic. But reaching that milestone provided the spark that has been guiding her passion for the published story ever since.

When she's not writing or thinking up new story ideas, Serena loves visiting with the many bookcases in her home. A wannabe foodie, she scours the internet for quick and easy dinner recipes to cook up.

Serena James Chase Books

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