Richard Sorapure


Richard Sorapure

Richard Sorapure

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Action & Adventure, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2021

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  • Country

    United Kingdom

  • Born

    15 January

  • Profession

    Geologist, Author


Richard Sorapure is a marine geologist and geophysicist who has worked all over the world, mainly on short-term projects for civil engineering, government and oil and gas companies. From 1983 to 1994, he was based in Singapore where four of his five children were born. During this time most of his projects were in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, with occasional forays further afield to India, the Middle East , Taiwan, Thailand, Australia and New Zealand.
‘Hostage to Freedom: The Search for the Siren’ is Richard’s first published novel, released in June 2021.
His second novel 'The Sussex Pond Murder' is a prequel to my first novel. It was published on Amazon on 20 July 2023. The genre is a Murder Mystery set in a boys prep school in Sussex, England in 1983.

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