Sue Graham


Sue Graham

Sue Graham

Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance

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    Jun 2021

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    South Africa

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Sue has been writing all her life, starting with a rhyming poem written when she was five years old. She has an insatiable curiosity that has led her to earn degrees in comparative literature, information systems and applied psychology from different universities, and to travel, live and work in various countries across four continents. After too many years in the corporate world, she now has the time and headspace to write her stories for you. In her earlier years, she was an honorary ranger at a South African game reserve and spent many weeks in the year roughing it in the Kalahari and Okavango Delta in Botswana as a game photographer. She owned and competed her horses and found spiritual solace and growth among these exceptional beings. She lives in Cape Town now, with a menagerie of cats and dogs. Interests include all sentient beings, including humans, all kinds of sport and walking on the beach or staring at the mountains around her for inspiration.

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