Suzanne Catalano


Suzanne Catalano

Suzanne Catalano

Contemporary Romance, Romance, Western Romance, Women's Fiction, Biographies & Memoirs

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  • Member Since

    Nov 2021

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    12 May

  • Profession

    Keeper of a Puggle


Suzanne Catalano began writing fiction and non-fiction becoming a published author in 1999 with a contribution of short stories in an anthology, Along the Way: our unique relationship with horses.

Suzanne has traveled across the country with her dog, Winnie, learning, practicing and competing in the K9 Performance Sport; Nose Work. Suzanne and Winnie have earned many competitive titles and are currently trialing at the Summit and Detective levels.

In her book, A Little Dog’s Adventures in a Big Dog’s World, Suzanne demonstrates the remarkably deep connection she now has with her dog and is passing on her philosophy with examples of doing Nose Work Winnie’s way.

Suzanne's second book, Sun-Kissed Mountains of Home, is a fiction romance novel about two adversaries in the horse world working through their differences by channeling equine healing powers.

Drawing from her own experiences as a young, single, working mother, Suzanne brings life to the characters in her newest novel, Sunset West: Love’s Last Refrain, a fiction romance novel coming soon.

In retirement, Suzanne continues writing fiction romance novels featuring strong human and animal connections that bring out the personalities of the characters.

A native of Sonoma County where she lived her whole life, Suzanne recently moved to Tucson, AZ

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