About Reader
Colin Rutherford Colin Rutherford
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Profession: Carer
  • Born: 13 August
  • Member Since: Mar 2019
  • Profile View: 160
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    Thriller Suspense Supernatural Suspense Time Travel Romance Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Teen & Young Adult
About CJ Rutherford has always been a story teller, even if they started out in his mind only. He grew up on a farm in very rural Ireland, and was left pretty much to his own devices most of the time.

​So, he invented his own world, with fairies, trolls, and other mystical creatures.

​His stories stayed with him throughout his life, sometimes scrawled down on scraps of paper, and occasionally brought to life in a sketch (although he's the first to admit what he drew and what you might see might not bear any similarity to each other.)

​Along came two daughters, and at last he had an outlet for his imagination. As the girls grew up they were enthralled by the characters and the worlds their father created. He even brought them to life in his fantasy world, and they never knew when he sat down to tell them their bed-time story, whether they would be fighting a dragon or playing with one.

​But time moves on, and daughters grow up, and soon enough, CJ needed another way to tell his tales.

The rest, as they say, is history...or the future, depending on how you look at it.

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