By Frank Chase


Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway is a theological, educational, scriptural journey of a lifetime. Yes, this book concerns a subject that’s been talked about since the second century. And on every page, readers will travel through the Bible to unearth the true orthodox tithe of the Scriptures. Tithing and giving is a pre-occupation of most churches and believers, but does the tithing practices of today look anything like the historical tithing practices of the biblical people based on the land, language and literature of a bygone era? This book will take you on a fantastic theological expedition into the history of tithing. It will explain how the Hebrew/Israelite people practiced tithing and will also uncover the shocking truth about what tithing really is and why what is called tithing today is a departure from the facts of the Scripture. You will be amazed about what this book reveals about tithing and who God authorized to be the sole heirs to collect tithes. The book examines whether tithing is required in the New Testament and the history of how the original food tithe got commuted to money. Does God command Christians to pay Him ten percent of their income? Are you cursed for not tithing? These questions and more will be answered in this manifesto of facts, biblical research and scholarship based on the Hebrew and Greek language.

About The Author

Frank Chase

FRANK CHASE JR. is a native of Baltimore Maryland. As a graduate of Washington State University, he earned a BA degree in Communications and a minor in Sociology. He served in the United States Army and is now a minister at Emmanuel Church International in Decatur, Alabama. As a lay minister, Frank has served as a teacher, counselor, mentor and leader in various men’s ministries.

Frank’s Books


Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway is a theological, educational, scriptural journey of a lifetime. Yes, this book concerns a subject that’s been talked about since the second century..

Book Trailer

If a person buys a signed copy of Kleptomaniac: Who’s Really Robbing God they will be able to download or get a free copy of the 117-page tithing Powerpoint study.

False Roads to Manhood

Author Frank Chase, Jr. guides men on an extraordinary journey through their souls in his new release,
“False Road to Manhood.”…

Book Trailer


Read Excerpts of Kleptomaniac:

Who’s Really Robbing God Anyway?

1. Is the Church the Storehouse for Tithing?

2. Did Jesus Collect Tithes?

3. Will a Man Rob God?

4. Eating Tithes vs. Paying Tithes:

5. What are First Fruits in the Bible?

6. Official Orthodox Biblical Tithing Has Passed Away:

7. Jesus and his Ministry Never Received Tithes:

8. Paul Never Taught Believers to Tithe Money:

9. The Church and Its Money Grab Tactics:

10. Monetary Tithing is not a Foregone Conclusion:

11. Money Tithing or Eatible tithing, Which One?

12. Arguments Against Tithing Has a Long History:

13. What Does True Giving Look Like?

14. Tithing on Increase:

15. The Law Does Not Teach Monetary Tithing:

16. Research Brings Truth:

17. Understanding Tithing Starts With a Definition:

18. The Fight Continues: