Thursday, March 20, 2025

Take a Literary Journey With Me... Fiction? Poetry?

Hi All:

Come...Take a Literary Journey With Me... Fiction anyone? Poetry? Love and Romance? Friends and Family? Betrayal? Deceit? Danger? Revenge? Psychological Suspense? Paperback? Ebook? Kindle Unlimited? Amazon? Goodreads? 📚📖📕📗📘📙📗📘



Love, Family, Deceit, The Tarot, Revenge:


Psychological Suspense/Romance/Insanity: 

  Love, Romance, Betrayal, The Mafia and the Family Priest:

Poetry (On Anything and Everything):

Psychological Suspense/Romance/Thriller:

Psychological Suspense/Romance/Danger - (It all started with a Christmas Card):


Monday, February 10, 2025

VALENTINE's DAY SPECIAL: "Lives Unbalanced" by Phyllis P. Colucci

 ...When Romance turns to Stalking... Run!  - VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL: Free ebook on Amazon ("Lives Unbalanced" by Phyllis P. Colucci) Tuesday, February 11th through Saturday, February 15th. Get Yours! Enjoy the insanity and embrace the love! Leave an Amazon Rating/Review and/or Comment here on my blog. Would love to hear what you think... (Just Click Link below)



        Meet "Ramona" the rag doll... She travels freely across that fine line between Reality and the Supernatural in order to assist Susan in an insanely sane way. What may seem quite bizarre to some, is actually quite endearing to Susan and Ramona. Together they navigate through life, in love and friendship, as they set out to right the wrongs which fall within Susan's path. Susan is a lonely, introverted, middle-aged writer, searching for something or someone to fill the painful void in her life. Adding to that pain is news from Florida that her brother Marty had died unexpectedly. She soon realized how alone she truly was; although her sister-in-law and niece stayed in touch with her from time to time. Susan's only comfort now was knowing "Ramona" would remain her constant friend, companion and confidant through thick and thin. The handsome and wonderful Jim will enter her life as well. This new journey, however, will lead Susan down a dark path controlled by the wrath of the deranged "Joe"...Suspense and Romance drive the plot, with an added twist of mysticism, mystery and revenge.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Poetry and Fiction - Just "One Word" Away (Vertigo)




            This is one trip we take alone. You do not need a plan; you do not need a reservation; you do not need to board a plane, a ship, a bus, a train – or even a car. The itinerary is never clear. You just wake up within the madness, quite unexpectedly. The spinning…spinning…spinning. The nausea…nausea…nausea... it can last for minutes, hours, days and sometimes weeks. It is a ride of a lifetime that you experience once, and hope it never happens again; but it will happen again. You cannot get off this wild ride at will. It feels as if you’ve been locked inside a washing machine on “spin” cycle; or stuck on some crazy ride in an amusement park that just will not stop to let you off. You are a prisoner to the world of “motion”. When it decides to let you go, it will be on its own terms and not yours. So if the invitation is offered to you, you must accept it. You can be rude and decline the invite; but trust me, "it" will not allow you to make that choice. So make the best of it and try to enjoy the ride...ugh!


            Yes, you will be trapped within a locked capsule that no one ever sees. No one can rescue you and you may never escape. Just more spinning…spinning…spinning. More nausea…nausea…nausea! You will never know what this contraption looks like, but you will know you are locked away inside of it. It will twirl you into oblivion. You will certainly feel it. The spinning…spinning…spinning. The nausea…nausea…nausea. The dizziness will stifle your strut as you head for a sturdy chair, the couch - or perhaps your bed. You will soon realize that lying down will not solve your problem. There will be not one iota of relief. You will place your head against the back of a hard wood chair for support, then to the soft cushions on your couch, then to the fluffy pillows on your bed. Nothing will help. You will try desperately to support your head with your hands as you sink into a bed pillow; but it will all get worse. Even your eyes will hurt as your vision remains unfocused. A decision needs to be made right now. Do you keep your eyes open, or close them shut? It really doesn’t matter, because the spinning will not stop either way. Indoors or outdoors, the uncontrolled motion is very much in control of you. Even the room you are in will now become your enemy. You will be spinning one way, and the room will be spinning the other way. Faster…faster…faster! It will confine you to your misery. There will be nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. There will be nowhere to run, even if you could – but you can’t.


            Oh no! I am so sorry! There it is again…the spinning…spinning…spinning. The nausea…nausea…nausea. You want it to stop, but unfortunately it will not. You must let it run its course. That’s what everyone tells you, even your wise physician. You wonder if they have ever experienced it, because that is the only way someone will understand. Telling them about it falls on deaf ears. It is much bigger than your words can ever explain. You can’t decide whether it is running faster than you, or you are running faster than it. It is the worst ride you have ever been on. It is the ride from hell. You can almost hear the devil’s laughter as he thoroughly enjoys your misery. You want to vomit, you can’t walk straight, you have no control. Your once balanced world is so unsteady that you feel as if you are in a drunken stupor. You are intoxicated from the fumes of this unknown entity. Its tentacles envelop you and squeeze you like a woman’s corset. You can hardly breathe as you patiently await that one chance to escape. That one chance never comes. This is one decision you have absolutely no say on. Yes, it must run its course, and it will eventually release you when it feels it is okay to do so, when it feels it is done with you…but it will be back. I can promise you that.


            …and so it continues. The spinning…spinning…spinning. The nausea…nausea…nausea. The room and the furniture are  spinning around you like a deadly EF5 tornado. Your head and stomach are fighting hard to keep in sync; but they are never in sync, even if you tell yourself they soon will be. The power of suggestion is weak here. Means nothing. You must live with this unwelcome monster who will continue to visit you time and time again and send your world into a vicious frenzy. The next time it knocks at your door, reach for the “Meclizine” in your medicine cabinet. Do you remember those? They are the only ammunition you have available in your arsenal. Be sure you always have those small fighting soldiers on hand. They will put this peril to a final rest – until the next time…but be prepared for that next time, because those tiny little pills will serve as your private army against “Vertigo”, where you will finally enjoy both Victory and Revenge.




Monday, December 30, 2024

"A Little Black Dress" (Poetry and Fiction - Just "One Word" Away)

(Photos From Pinterest)


A Little Black Dress


There was a story I was told

   By an Uncle, long ago

About my loving Grandmother

A story I didn’t know


In the early 1900s

She had a special job

She was asked to be a “Mourner”

Although I listened, I found this odd


As a paid “Mourner”, at a stranger’s funeral

She would wail, she would cry; and I now ask “Why?”

For someone she didn’t know?

   In exchange for a bag of coal?

      To heat her home and cook her food?

        To protect her growing brood?


My Uncle, himself, was just a child

He had three other brothers, including my Dad

There was his baby sister too –

My Grandfather; My Grandmother

And this story that made me so sad


About that “Little Black Dress”

All the children knew so well

It hung outside the old closet

  that had that cedar smell


They knew Grandmother would be heading out for the night

To perform a duty that literally brought home light

…Too young to fully understand…

Even I was confused, as I reached out for my Uncle’s hand

Begging him to further explain

As my cheek did bear one lonely tear stain


But before he told me this full story

    With all of its proud, yet humble glory

- About my Grandmother “Mourning - for Coal”

- About my Grandmother in those days of ol’…

He simply mentioned her “Little Black Dress”

   The one on the hanger that caused this mess

   The one she wore when she stepped out for the night

   The one that caused so much fright!


I thought, “How could this be?”

Was Grandmother really “A Lady of the Night”?

   In a “Little Black Dress” that caused so much fright?

My God, did Grandmother abandon her family?

    to engage in something unmannerly?

Was she looking for lust; was she looking for money?

Was she looking for a taste of carnal honey?

Poor Grandfather! My poor Dad, Uncles and sweet Aunt…

My heart stopped as I listened some more!

Oh my God! I just can’t!


I thought, “No! Not my loving Grandmother !”

Not this sweet Italian lady

   who made the finest meat and gravy

She would never be a “Lady of the Night”

To me, my Grandmother was a “heroine”;

   strong and so very bright


Then my Uncle finished up his story

   and I was very glad he did…

I soon learned Grandmother was a courageous woman,

  battling the weather and fearing the darkness

Yet performed a duty - Yes, that she surely did!


Truth be told, she was indeed a “Lady of the Night”

Loved, respected and revered - to her family’s delight

A beautiful woman, wearing a “Little Black Dress”

Who wailed and cried for a stranger

   Performing her task, more or less


A sign of the times, when very little was had

A sign of the times, that would make anyone mad

A sign of the times, which turned women into warriors

A sign of the times, that turned plain into glorious

Yes – just a wail, a bag of coal, and a “Little Black Dress”

   To my wonderful Grandmother – Much Love and God Bless!



          The above poem is a true story as told to me by one of my paternal Uncles, about his Mom and my Grandmother. This seemed to be a common occurrence in the early 1900s, and perhaps even in the late 1800s and before. I found this story intriguing as well as historical. It was a great story about my Grandmother, who performed a selfless act in order to care for and protect her family; it was also a story about a time in history I would never have known about if it weren’t for my Uncle, who shared it one day while we were simply talking over a meal at his dining room table. This was a wonderful treat for me. I will cherish this moment and this story forever. It is part of my family history.


Wednesday, October 23, 2024

"You Must Believe" (Spillwords Press Christmas Theme, 2024)




 You Must Believe


Yuletide Spirits from long ago

Came tapping at my door

I welcomed them with open arms

As they shuffled ‘cross my floor


They brought wreaths of gold

And silver stars

Cinnamon sticks in cookie jars

Garland made of holly and love

A Christmas ornament of a White Dove


They decorated my home with tons of glee

Dancing around my Christmas tree

They did not speak as I hoped they would

So I just smiled as best I could

I left them to pleasantly “haunt” my house

While I retired upstairs like a quiet little mouse


I wrapped myself up in my Christmas duvet

And listened joyfully to the “Nutcracker” Ballet

While Yuletide Spirits from long ago

Kept the magic of Christmas all aglow


I soon fell into slumber on this Christmas Eve

As they whispered sweetly, “You must believe!”

The snow fell softly throughout the night

I woke up to white mounds of pure delight


I followed the scent of cinnamon and pine

Down the stairs! What a magical find!

A holiday table set for a family of nine

A turkey in the oven and large bottles of wine

Christmas Carols playing on an old radio

Presents all wrapped and ready to go

The fireplace radiant with its amber glow

I had no idea, how was I to know?


My red velvet dress was set out for a Queen

I cried as I embraced this exquisite scene

I hurriedly dressed for Christmas Day

My Yuletide Spirits paved the way


My doorbell rang quite loud this year

My family arrived with Christmas Cheer

… I can hear the Spirits from this past Eve

Whispering sweetly, “You must believe!”