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Power Of Kindness Trailer 04
2021Aug 23
The Power of Kindness Through the Eyes of Children is a childrenā€™s book that shows the ripple effect that being kind to others can generate and how they can help shape the world around them with simple acts every day. Without this book, kids may not realize the power they have to shape their daily interactions with others or recognize when someone needs their support, generosity, and kindness. A kind word can change someoneā€™s life when delivered at the right moment. Kids often struggle with big feelings and emotions, and it takes practice to have kids regularly look outside of their own experience to see how their friends and peers are feeling. In The Power of Kindness, Orbit and the characters learnā€¦ ā€œthat no matter how big or small my action is, I can make a difference in the world.ā€ Christopher age 8 ā€œMy favorite page in the book The Power of Kindness is when the little boy and girl set up a donation stand outside their house, and people drop off things that they donā€™t need anymore. What a great idea to recycle items to those in need.ā€ Jaxon age 6 ā€œNo act of kindness is wasted; just look at the little boy saving a worm.ā€ Brandon age 6

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