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"Life Lessons of Lucy Lu" 📖 Author Spotlight: Gwen Kelly
2023May 27
#author #books #pets #childrensbook #terrier #booktube Click that link to grab your copy of "Life Lessons of Lucy Lu" by Author Gwen Kelly on Amazon today! 📖 IF you are an author who wants your very own “Author Spotlight” produced, you can order here: 🎶 IF you are a Musician, Singer, or Band who wants your very own “Music Spotlight” produced, you can order here: 🏢 IF you have a Business or Service that you want to be featured in a "Business Spotlight" video, you can order here: 🛒 IF you have a Product that you want to be featured in a "Product Spotlight" video, you can order here: 👨🏽‍⚕️ IF you have a Health-Related Product or Service that you want to be featured in a "Health Spotlight" video, you can order here: 🏋🏽‍♂️ IF you have a Fitness-Related Product or Service that you want to be featured in a "Fitness Spotlight" video, you can order here: MJ Wolfe is the host of “Spotlight Segments” on YouTube and a working actor, spokesperson, video producer, product reviewer, and content creator. Below you will find links to some of MJ’s other work and YouTube channels... 🐺 MJ’s Interview Channel “The Wolfe Den Show”:    / @thewolfedenshow   🔊 Podcast Versions of The Wolfe Den Show: (Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, & More!) 🎞️ MJ’s IMDB: 🐺 MJ’s Award-winning performance in “The Wolf Delivers”:    • 🐺The Wolf Delivers 🛻 Award-Winning Sh...   💸 MJ on Fiverr: ⭐ MJ on Cameo: ⛰️ MJ’s Colorado Talent Agent: 🌵 MJ's Utah Talent Agent: 🍑 MJ's Atlanta & East Coast Agent: 🌆 MJ’s Kansas/Missouri Talent Agent: 🌏 MJ’s International Talent Agent: 🎭 MJ’s Actor’s Access Account: 🖥️ MJ’s Casting Networks Account: 📷 MJ’s Shutterstock Portfolio: 🖼️ MJ’s Pond5 Portfolio: 🙏 ALSO, these are MJ’s two son's YouTube channels below, it would mean the WORLD to them if you would be kind enough to SUBSCRIBE to their channels: 🏀 Sam's Channel:    / @sandlcreations   🎮 Ben's Channel:    / @mb15-   🐺 MJ’s OTHER YouTube Channels: 🎞️ MJ’s Acting Channel:    / @mikewolfe_actor   🧔 MJ’s Spokesperson Channel:    / @spokespersonvideo   📱 MJ’s UGC Channel:    / @ugcvideoproduction   😂 MJ’s “WolfeToons” Channel:    / @wolfetoons   🥏 MJ’s “AirWolfe” Drone Channel:    / @airwolfedrone   🛍️ MJ’s Product Reviews Channel:    / @interviewwithanempire   🐺 Channels I Recommend: 🏈 Frabo YT:    / @fraboyt823   🍁 Out & Aboot:    / 3dogsanrv   🎮 HarryPGaming:    / @mattomattogaming   🎮 HarryPGaming MC:    / @regularlifeofmatt   📽️ MJ’s Acting Awards: 🏆 Best Actor: The Wolf Delivers Los Angeles Film Awards 2021 🏆 Best Actor: The Wolf Delivers London FLICKS Film Festival 2021 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises Los Angeles Film Awards 2020 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises Accolade Global Film Competition 2020 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises The Indie Film Awards 2020 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises Mindfield Film Festival 2020 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises Queen Palm Int'l Film Festival 2020 🏆 Best Supporting Actor: Deadly Promises Oniros Film Awards 2020 ATTRIBUTION: 🎵 Music: "Oh My" by Patrick Patrikos (Rights obtained from YouTube's Audio Library) Patrick's channel:    / @patrick-jordan-patrikios   #mjwolfe #spotlightsegments

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