Phillip Vega

United States

Contemporary Romance New Adult Romance LGBT Teen & Young Adult


Phillip Vega (1966 -) has always been a storyteller, but he’d never put pen to paper until a few years ago. Suddenly, he had a publishing contract. In the midst of the vortex of marketing, analytics, refining, and continuing to write, he discovered what he defines as his true calling, his passion. He is now fully and happily immersed in the whirlwind that is the publishing industry, even as he diligently continues his work in software sales.

Phillip is a Long Islander with Hispanic roots, now living in Florida, and it is from those memories of summers in Long Island that he crafted his first book, Last Exit to Montauk. The Captain & the Queen soon followed, and he recently released his third book, Searching for Sarah.

Comfortable in a room full of people or one on one, he welcomes opportunities for guest appearances, interviews, and book signings–and even more importantly, engaging with his fans.

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