All Teaser & Picture Quotes Designed by Ivan Figueroa

  • in art man reveals himself and not his objects...

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  • nature is just enough but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions...

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  • el verdadero alquimista es el que en el crisol de su mente transmuta la ignoranciaplomo...

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  • ironically your shadows becomes bigger as you get closer to the light...

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  • every mistake is an opportunity to learn something new...

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  • never think you are better than others just believe you can be as good...

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  • within the law of cause and effect actions based on exclusiveness give rise to suffering...

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  • exclusiveness is a discriminatory trait of the ego inclusiveness is a comprehensive...

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  • exclusivity is a sign of lack of awareness and self esteem...

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  • to never feel sorry in the middle of a heated argument remember that you could be be...

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  • the only time i can be sure that i will be always right is when i accept that i can...

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  • when men learn to glimpse the universe through the eyes of the spirit all they see is...

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  • everyone agrees on wanting to be happy but not at all in how to be it...

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  • there are no bad people just those that have not yet realized their goodness...

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  • the master is nothing but a disciple who would like to help others find their mastery...

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  • the weapons of a true light warrior are compassion and patience to wait for others to...

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  • life like a journey is how we get to our destiny and not when we get there...

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  • patience and compassion can only arise from the experience of our mistakes...

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  • the path of imperfection is the loving way to learn tolerance and happiness...

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  • true wisdom is the process of finding the hidden light wiithin our shadows...

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