All Teaser & Picture Quotes Designed by Suzy Davies

  •  happy st patricks day to all my readers  special mention to readers in eire and a big...

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  •  a truly remarkable book that offers a fresh and enthralling take on the timeless tale ...

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  •  the story begins with the characters housie mousie and ratty rat embarking on an...

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  • what readers are saying  spellbinding...

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  •  the world of the snow queen is a romantic world a fairytale of castles and...

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  • it was the winter of winters when everything glistened...

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  •  this unique childrens book is a treasure  a delightful and wonderful tale of magic...

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  •  this unique childrens book is a treasure  a delightful and wonderful tale of magic...

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  •  this unique childrens book is a treasure  a delightful and wonderful tale of magic...

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  • books are a portable kind of time travel we go back as well as forward when we read...

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  • we can count all our christmases in books all our memories of childhood...

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  • a cute little piglet finds a forever home this is the story of a little piglet a...

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  • it is my belief that serious authors have something to say about the human condition...

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  • travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown r i p anthony...

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  • a childs education should be an education of the heart as well as the mind reading...

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  • the simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read...

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  • leonard tillerman top book reviewer says as a former teacher and school principal i...

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  • this captivating and commendable work had me immersed from the beginning the story flows...

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  • books are a portable kind of time travel we go back as well as forward when we read...

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  • wonder is a glimpse of hope into the possibilities of infinity the triumph of curiosity...

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