All Time Favourite: EMBRACING IMPERFECTION: A Guide to Overcoming Perfectionism

EMBRACING IMPERFECTION: A Guide to Overcoming Perfectionism

EMBRACING IMPERFECTION: A Guide to Overcoming Perfectionism


Publication Date: Apr 16, 2023

Favourite (6)

Titih Mardiah Titih Mardiah 1 year ago
Awesome motivational book, easy to read & understand, the tips for Overcoming Perfectionism and practices are easy to follow
purnomo purnomo 1 year ago
There is no better book than this motivational book regarding Overcoming Perfectionism, this book is easy to understand with easy exercises to do
Andi Anriansyah Andi Anriansyah 1 year ago
Great motivational book about Overcoming Perfectionism, very useful, easy to understand with tips and practices
Astagfirulloh Al Adzim Astagfirulloh Al Adzim 1 year ago
So far, this is the best motivational book about Overcoming Perfectionism, this book is very easy to learn with easy-to-do exercises or practices
Alifa Anmarida Alifa Anmarida 1 year ago
Awesome self help book, very interesting and useful book, full of tips and practices, extremly recommended book
Saodah Saodah 1 year ago
This book is amazing, very recommended book, very interesting and useful, awesome book you should have
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