Ask Hiraya Cross a question

    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Hiraya Cross Hiraya Cross 4 years ago
      • Yes. One of the reasons why I write is because I have experiences and learned lessons that I wanted to share with others, including my perspective on particular topics and situations. One way of doing that is by incorporating them in my writings.
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      • Hiraya Cross Hiraya Cross 4 years ago
      • When I was younger, I used to observe people a lot. As an oddball, I had this notion that it's important to see things from various perspectives and I've always been interested in learning how boys see things differently from girls. I've had close male friends and I used to ask them about those things. I was curious. So, I guess... to answer the question: having that genuine interest in knowing and understanding what, how, and why they think the way they do.
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      • Hiraya Cross Hiraya Cross 4 years ago
      • It's okay. You'll get there one day. All these experiences your having will contribute in the way you improve your writing and content. You'll mature soon enough. Keep persevering. Stay good, and kind, and honest. Wait, is this during the time you were short-tempered? You'll be more patient in the future. Keep at it.
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      • Hiraya Cross Hiraya Cross 4 years ago
      • I was invited to join the campus paper in fourth grade. I started by writing news pieces. That was around 2003, so it's been 16 to 16 years already. Over the years, news presentation has changed a lot. I've learned poetry, feature writing, short stories...

        Seriously writing, though... my inspiration is a desire to share what I know and what I learned over the years. It's like having a sense of purpose. What I want to do and what I can do about it. I've had my own ups and downs. The inspiration remained. And now, I'm taking the time to make writing my fulltime endeavor. I love it.
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