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      • Jodi Perkins Jodi Perkins 3 years ago
      • Thanks Michael, and ditto! It's fascinating that you were once incarcerated. How cool that you're so open with those experiences. Saw that you're from Texas; I'm moving there this summer! (No where near Austin, though.) Great to [virtually] meet you.
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    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • Hey Jodie, thanks for following me - that means a lot! I was wondering if we could help each other with book reviews? My second book in my Asleep Series just came out, and I only have (2) reviews. My first book Asleep (Drifting) Book One, is doing pretty good. If you have a book that needs a review..., let me know and you could possibly help me with a review for; Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two. What do you say?
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      • Jodi Perkins Jodi Perkins 3 years ago
      • Hi Robert, unfortunately I can't stomach books--autobiographical or otherwise--that feature a child being abused. Such stories make me feel sick and miserable. (I.e. I was so angry reading the book "A Child Called It" that I threw the book across the room.) That being said, I think it's amazing and so courageous for you to face your demons and tell your story. I know there are many readers out there who would love to be a part of your brave journey.
        Very cool that you have a bird sanctuary!
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