The closest thing I can find to my work is this.
Tears of a Cowgirl ~ Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks and Sleeping With the Enemy by Nancy Price
Rain of the Wolves ~ Is very original; it can't be compared to one or two books/shows. There are elements of The Flash, Sliders, Grimm yet on a much larger scale. Also, Quantum Leap and Shadow Hunters.
My upcoming ones:
Teravaza ~ Lost by J. J. Abrams, Falling skies by Robert Rodat and War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells
I would probably say 'Tears of a Cowgirl.' I've had another growth spurt in my writing, and it could use a bit of work, mostly in removing useless words.
I wake up at 8 am, drink coffee and socialize while marketing. I begin writing by 10 am and write until supper hour, then I work on digital art and covers.
Life gets in the way; that is the only writer's block I know. It's normal; everyone has things they need to deal with, and then we jump back in when we can.
I began writing as an experiment. I fumbled, I failed, and I jumped back on my horse and kept riding. I started Tears of a Cowgirl in December 2019, put it aside and thought about a writing career. Finally, in December 2020, I decided to be an author and buckled up to write. The way it made me feel inspired me to keep going, and each day I hold on to that feeling.