Ask D.E. Chapman a question

    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • D.E. Chapman D.E. Chapman 4 years ago
      • All the time. My best advice is to take a break. Go do something fun to take your mind off of it. There's no point in pushing through it until you give yourself time to relax. The words will come when they are good and ready.
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      • D.E. Chapman D.E. Chapman 4 years ago
      • I do and I don't, it depends. The good ones make my heart melt and it keeps me motivated to write the next book. Self doubt is a constant and knowing that people actually like what I write helps me push through the self doubt and onto the next book. The bad ones hit hard sometimes and I need to reach out to friends or other authors for reassurance that no, I don't need to rewrite the entire plot. It's important to remember that not everyone will like your books and that's okay!
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      • D.E. Chapman D.E. Chapman 4 years ago
      • I had a really vivid dream one night and decided to write it up in word. Next thing I knew, I had a book outlined. That dream was back in 2017 and I've been writing off and on since.
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