When you sit down to write, the most critical choice you will face is a decision between two paths: am I going to write for myself, tell the story I want to tell, or am I going to try to create something that will sell. The two needn't be mutually exclusive. Ideally, they'll overlap. However, if you want your work to be filled with passion, if you want your writing to truly fulfill you, you must always strive to do the former first. Write for the dreaming child inside you, not for the world outside.
Set goals and define objectives. If you can see yourself chipping away at a novel, page by page, thousand words by thousand words, you'll feel far more satisfied with what you've accomplished. This "tracking" approach doesn't work for everyone, but I feel an immense amount of relief once I pass my daily word count or complete a scene. Then, reassured I've made significant progress, I can allow myself a "carrot" of good food, reading, video gaming, or TV watching.