Ask Emily Rose a question

      • Emily Rose Emily Rose 3 years ago
      • I actually went about publishing all wrong. I wrote the book, edited myself, and then just kinda hoped and prayed that it would sell. Publishing is not that simple. So for every book since I've done it the right way. I've had it professionally edited, I've built up the suspense, I've networked, and now I'm on my 6the book, soon to be 7th, published, and I have amassed a wonderful group of loyal readers. If you're going to publish, make sure you have the time and are willing to put the effort in because it's more than just writing and hitting the publish button when you're done. This is a full-time job. But I love it.
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      • Emily Rose Emily Rose 3 years ago
      • I love to read, and when I was about 12 I decided I wanted to try and write my own. Over the years I can't tell you how many books I wrote. I mean, I'd never publish them now because they're not anywhere near good, but it helped me build in my writing skills. I read more, I researched, and now I'm writing and sharing my stories with many loyal readers. I don't want to write books that I won't read myself, so I try to make them fun, exciting, and suspenseful as much as I can. I hope to be writing for many more years.
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