Ask Jennifer Peer a question

    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • I think that e-books have provided the opportunity for readers who want to read on the go. For example, when travelling, I may plan to read three books over my travels, even when writing. Putting three books in a carry on is not always easy, so having the ability to read on my laptop or phone is a bonus. I know a lot of readers who also want the ability to read a book and move on quickly. Ebooks are typically less expensive and provide voracious readers with the option to buy multiple eBooks for the same cost as one hard copy.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • There are so many to choose from. I will go with "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness. Her incorporation of historical facts and real-life characters into the series is remarkable. I have re-read all the books, and watched the series (of course) and have yet to catch every nuance.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • Janet Evanovich, Lucy Score, and Sally Thorne because there would be much laughter and lots of amusing dialogue. Imagine these three LOL authors at one dinner party.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • I work full-time at my day job, so my writing schedule is typically a mash up. It's structured time after family dinner, and very early in the morning for a few hours before I go to work. Weekends are a mix of writing and my chores that no one else wants to do (everything involving cleaning and laundry) so I spread the chores out to give myself chunks of time.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • Covers have to be eye-catching, in the trend of your genre, and representative of something about your book. For example, I will not have a cartoon cover for an action thriller because a reader will see that and think of rom-coms. Titles are important. My True McLaren Action Adventure Thrillers are all a play on the name of my main character. True Beginnings, True Enlightenment, and the next is True Love, Lore & Lessons in Loss.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • I do read every one of my reviews. They can be uplifting or crushing as a writer. When I released my first book, so many people told me they loved it but nobody really wrote reviews. For my True series, the first book was a mixed bag because it is a mashup of genres. I wasn't sure what to expect as there was also a lot of romance to establish my two main characters. They are the consistent thread throughout the series, so it was crucial for me to establish that their bond was unbreakable. Readers wanting a romance or an action thriller could go either way.
        It has been successful. I used to agonize if there was one thing that someone didn't like something. Now, I have finally accepted that not everyone will like my writing style, plot, etc. That is especially true with my newest Romance, "Not On Your Latte". The book has a high steam factor and is not a typical romance as my characters are physically apart for much of the romance piece. One reader said that she didn't like that the characters spent so much time texting and talking on the phone but that is a key piece of the plot so... In summary, you can't please everyone and that's okay.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • The hardest part for me in the writing process is research time. I am one of those writers who wants to have real street names in settings, so I study maps and images. When choosing names for my characters, I am careful to select them based on the personality and heritage of my characters. Are they Irish, French, Italian? Okay, if they're Italian, what is their backstory? Where do they come from? What is that town like? What are common last names in that region? Who are their parents? What are their family values?
        These things are what I know about the main or recurring character before I write about them. It's important to me to understand how they will react in situations, and they still surprise me when I am writing. I think something will go a certain way and then the finished product differs greatly from what I imagined because it makes more sense.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • Don't live or die on every single sentence. Perfection is different for every reader and I may think something is great, but not everyone will agree.
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • I have been writing for many years because I love to read almost anything. It took me forever to write and finally submit my first novel.. I was lucky in that a one of the three publishers I submitted to wanted it. I have learned a lot since then and continue to tell my stories because I enjoy it. If a reader enjoys what I write, my job is done, and that's enough for me.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Jennifer Peer Jennifer Peer 1 year ago
      • Remember that writing is subjective. Everyone has a different viewpoint, and it may differ from yours. That's okay. Love what you're writing and that will be conveyed to your readers. If they love it too, many will tell you, and most will keep reading your works.
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