Ask MEG BARBER a question

      • MEG BARBER MEG BARBER 1 year ago
      • A story arc that makes sense, in whichever way sense is purposed for the novel. A beginning, a middle and an end. I detest getting into a novel and then being told, 'To find out what happens, buy book 2'. I want at least to have reached some kind of ending, even if the book is in a series. Decent grammar; it matters. Having said that, I loved 'The Milkman' and that threw all the rules out of the window, but few writers are strong enough to do that and make it work. A story that grips and doesn't let go. I don't do much descriptive writing, mostly as when I start to read a book that is pages of description of the surroundings, I get bored. And stop reading. I write to entertain myself, and simply hope others might be entertained along with me.
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