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    • Julie Lauten Julie Lauten 5 years ago
    • Dear Mr. Hart, I work with a lovely woman named Durba Chatterjee, she just started as Sr. Director of Advancement Ops here at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta. She has a treasured book that you wrote and signed for her "Durba, I've always thought of this as a Virginia State story. Enjoy the read and best wishes!! Lin Hart 7/2/2018" In her move here, this book that she so loves was damaged when her boxes got wet. As a surprise I was hoping to get her another book with the same inscription from you. Thank you for considering this. If it's possible please send it to me at Julie Lauten/The Westminster Schools, 1424 West Paces Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30327. I appreciate anything you can do! Julie (404) 918-2102
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      • Lin Hart Lin Hart 5 years ago
      • Hi, Julie. I just came across this message. It resolves a question that's been lingering in my mind since I received your LinkedIn friend request. The timing of your request, your location and your job title left me wondering if you were a new friend of Durba's. Now I know. I was sorry to hear of Durba's misfortune, regarding my book. I hope that her loss was limited and not too costly. Durba was a tremendous help in her position at Virginia State. My wife and I considered it a great personal loss for us when she announced that she was leaving VSU. I will be forwarding, to the address indicated in your message, a replacement book with the same inscription soon. It's nice to know that Durba is working with individuals like yourself. Your actions, in this matter, suggest that you are someone who is both a good friend and a caring colleague. Best wishes and thanks for reaching out on Durba's behalf. Lin Hart
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