Ask Michael Fulkerson a question

      • Michael Fulkerson Michael Fulkerson 6 years ago
      • Never repeat yourself in writing a novel. Readers don't want to fall back on something they just read in the last so pages. Just keep the story flowing and be sure the story blends. Readers remembers what they read. Never repeat yourself in writing.
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      • Michael Fulkerson Michael Fulkerson 6 years ago
      • I was inspired to write after seeing my family struggle to make ends meet. I know the writing industry can be rough. But, I got to thinking and realized how easy it is for me to write. I wanted to do something with my life and not let my life be wasted away. I've been writing for a good nearly three decades. But have only began publishing books in the last eight years. I was inspired after seeing my mom and dad playing the lottery every week, and never winning. It's worth a trying as an author. I am also a musician.
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      • Michael Fulkerson Michael Fulkerson 6 years ago
      • Yes, I read my book reviews. The good reviews, I smile and go out to eat to celebrate the good review. It is known in this World some people are just plain trolls, or hate warriors. But, I DO handle the negative review very well. In my own heart, I know I wrote a heck of a story. I don't let them get to me. All that matters is in my own heart, I believe in myself and I know I wrote a wonderful story.
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      • Michael Fulkerson Michael Fulkerson 6 years ago
      • I'd like to sell about 500,000 copies of one book or more. I write to sell these books, to give my family the life and dream of the millionaires. I want to give my mom the life she never had, as well as my dad, my nephew, my niece. With some of my money from sales, I'd like to take care of the housing shortages in the areas I live and create, bring in jobs.
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      • Michael Fulkerson Michael Fulkerson 6 years ago
      • Career Thief with the brown book cover is just something I slapped together. Career Thief with the green cover is written more professionally. Psychic Vampire with the man on the bottom half of the cover...and Career Thief with the green cover are first-person narrative stories. Writing in a first-person narrative is different and I have mastered the art of first-person narrative story-telling. Writing a first-person narrative comes easy and smoothly for me. The story just has to flow and pick up in the action/suspense as the story moves on with an ending that will either make the reader cry or smile. A first-person narrative has to sound interesting and not boring. It's ok to be boring at the beginning as you explain the character, then, gradually pick up from there and load the story with action and suspense. The ending can be either a happy ending, a sad ending or a shocker ending. To all authors, try your hand at first-person narrative writing after reading a copy of Career Thief (Green Cover) or Psychic Vampire (Man on bottom half of cover) Explore the unknown. Dare to be bold.
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