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      • Robin L Deeter Robin L Deeter 6 years ago
      • I first started writing in high school, but at that time my passion was singing and performing, so writing took a back seat. Life took over and, although I started several stories, I never finished them. I just wasn't serious enough about it at that time. When I was in my late 30's, I had to admit that singing and acting wasn't going to work out for me, but I still had all this creativity inside me, just itching to get out. That's when someone suggested that I get back to writing, but to really concentrate on it this time. So, I went to Full Sail University where I not only honed my novel writing skills, but I also learned how to write scripts. I was hooked. However, it was a couple of years before I was hired as a ghost writer to write mail order bride romances. Things just took off from there and I started writing under my own name as well. I now have 14 books published with lots more in the works.
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