Ask Heather Lynn a question

      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • If I were to change my genre from romance/historical fiction, it would probably be to science fiction. There are so many possibilities in that genre in my mind; time travel, aliens, different species, robots, automation, methods of extending life etc... I don't imagine I'll change genre though, I'm cozy in my little niche.
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      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • My dream goal? That is simple . . I would like to finish writing my "Sky Watcher" book series and know that it was well-received and enjoyed by those who read it.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • I have always been the type who prefers to hold a physical book in my hands. The idea of reading on a screen never thrilled me. However, since my debut novel was released this past summer, and I began talking with other authors on social media, I realized how many books I want to read. Being able to download them and carry them around on a small device is convenient and let's face it, more affordable. I think this trend will continue to rise, but I believe there will always be those of us who prefer to actually turn the pages of our favourite books.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • I have definitely incorporated real-life events into my story. Sometimes it's a little thing like a phrase my grandpa used to say, but it could be a dramatic medical emergency that occurred. 'Real life' is a wonderful form of inspiration, it gives us soo many everyday happenings to draw from. When this is mixed with imagination and creativity, the magic begins.
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      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • I don't think that it's fair to judge what lies on the pages inside of a book, by the cover. However . . . even though we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, we can't help but be drawn to certain styles and artwork that we see on book covers. A catchy title and a cover that sets the mood of the writing inside, is a good start to selling books.
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      • Heather Lynn Heather Lynn 4 years ago
      • I have always been a science girl. I studied nursing and biology because that's where my interests were. Writing never occurred to me until about 7 or 8 years ago when, for some reason, a story was born inside my mind. I was shocked, to be honest! But, I was able to combine my favourite interests--health sciences, herbs, stones and time travel--and create a story.
        I started to do some research and when I was ready, I started to write it down. It's not a fast process for me, by any means, but I love what I'm doing.
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