Ask Tarrant Smith a question

      • Tarrant Smith Tarrant Smith 2 years ago
      • I'm a manic writer. I have a hard time keeping my writing time to just a few hours each day. Instead, I write until the scene is done. That might take two hours or all day depending on how clearly I see the action unfolding inside my mind.
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      • Tarrant Smith Tarrant Smith 2 years ago
      • I do read reviews, the good and the bad. And it honestly only takes a little bad to ruin my day.

        With that said, it's taken me years to understand that what I write isn't everyone's cup of tea. Not every reader will love me. If they don't like paranormal or fantasy, they won't like my books. If they hate romance, then they won't appreciate my books. If there is a mistake that my editor and I missed, then that only means that we're human and that I need to tweak the systems I have in place to do better next time. After having published ten books and received mostly four and five stars reviews, the odd bad review hurts less. But it still hurts.

        As a protective measure, I highly recommend that all authors keep a good-review scrapbook. Something they can turn to when their confidence has been bruised. Self-publishing is often an act of bravery.
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