Ask Thomas M. Wing a question

    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 9 months ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Thomas M. Wing Thomas M. Wing 9 months ago
      • I haven't, not really. I've experienced times when nothing coherent would come out of my fingertips (on the computer keyboard), but not block. When I can't think of what to write, I sit and write anything. Even gibberish. I type a stream of consciousness about anything that comes into my mind. Sometimes it only takes a few sentences, sometimes ten or fifteen minutes of useless garble, but eventually, the story comes back. I may have to delete everything I write after a few days, rereading it, but it gets the juices flowing and the story comes.
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      • Thomas M. Wing Thomas M. Wing 9 months ago
      • I know you're not supposed to, but I do. I have one rule: never respond! There are always going to be those who actually dislike your story or your writing. But once in a while someone leaves a comment that makes me think "huh, maybe they're right." I've become a better writer more by negative comments, even if I only learn from 10% of them, than from positive ones. And then there are the trolls. Some folks need to leave really toxic comments, no matter what. I laugh at many, shake my head in wonder at others, and think how sad their lives must be for others.
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      • Thomas M. Wing Thomas M. Wing 5 days ago
      • I'm sorry it took so long to answer!!

        I would tell younger-me to share my work with others, people I could trust and also professionals, and get feedback. I'd also tell myself to keep writing, not to take multi-year "breaks" because getting feedback, and writing, both make you a better writer. Most importantly, I'd tell myself to "be bold!"
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