Winning battles in the womb
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Winning battles in the womb

by Thomas Ramalekana
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Religion & Spirituality

Mr Thomas Ishmael Ramalekana ( Mr Speaker) is the founder and author of the danger of giving up book. His attributes includes inspiring change to traditional mindsets and people not reaching their full potential due to various reasons which includes being born poor,lack of education,lack of resources and opportunities.He narrates his personal story of humble beginnings to achieving his goals to be where he is today.From a boy who tended cows and realized a bigger picture. He fires people with zeal and zest and energizes them to listen and learn and he infuse his message with a sense of humor.He is an African Motivational speaking dynamite that speaks with conviction and persuasion.The english used by Mr Speaker is commonly known as African English which is his philosophy. He is commonly known as the virus of change.He holds BSC.Hons degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).A registered Professional scientist with South African Council of Natural scientific Professions (SACNASP).His mission is to Transform the catapilars into butterflies. He was the former chaiperson of school of Maths and Natural Sciences at the University of Venda.Completed MSc with University of Pretoria.PhD candidate with UNISAM

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Book Detail
Title Winning battles in the womb
Author Thomas Ramalekana