Where were you born? Which is your favorite childhood memory?
I am currently living on a hardwood farm in TN.
My favourite memory is also my earliest, of which I recall standing in the doorway of our cottage watching my older brothers have a pee fight. Something they often did on s summer nights.
What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?
I used to want to be the queen of the Celts. No, it never did come true and honestly, I am thankful. Doubt I would have made a good queen.
At what age did you begin writing your first story? What was it about?
I began writing my 1st story Noria in 2007 It was published in 2009. Noria is about my life on a secluded island and the ancient Celtic beliefs that were practiced there.
How did you discover your love for writing?
I discovered a love for writing when asked to write Noria.
Who was the first person to ask you to pen your autobiography Noria?
Mimi was the 1st person to ask me to write Noria.
What inspired you to write the Children's Corner for our local papers?
My youngest niece was just entering kindergarten when I was inspired to create Kid's Corners for children all over the city.
Do you yourself spend time journaling in your published journal, "My 1st Dream Journal"?
I have journaled n my own dream journals and it showed me that I needed to take them off the market j and redo bits of them.
How did you come up with the character of twelve-year-old Piper in "What Happened in Hallandale"?
I based her on myself and the age I was when I 1st started hearing stories about the real Laurie.
What are some must read books for people in their 20s?
Anything by Rose Pressley, The Mapmakers Children by Sarah McCoy, and The Theodore Boone series by John Grisham for pleasure reading. Being a visual learning I tend to watch videos when trying to learn something.
If you could improve one thing about your writing, what would it be and why?
I would write in more details without stretching the story so thin it gets boring. It is a skill have yet to acquire though I want to.
What was the most ruthless spoiler someone gave you?
The time they told me that my favourite character was going to die.
Do you need to know how a novel ends before you begin writing it?
No, When writing a novella or any story I ususaly end up just writing chapters then piecing them together.
If you were to be a world famous painting, which painting would you be?
I would most definitely be Starry Starry Night. I am always drawn to that painting.
Which is the next book you are working on? Is it a series or a stand-alone book?
I am trying to work on the last book in the Hallandale Beach series, yet the muses are proving to be uncooperative.
How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?
It has been a wonderful experience that has taught me a lot about marketing.