About Author

Eva LeNoir

Eva LeNoir
  • Genre:

    Contemporary Romance Paranormal Romance Erotic Romance LGBT
  • Country: France
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 24 June, 1973
  • Member Since: Dec 2015
  • Profile Views: 46,142
  • Followers: 34
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Pinterest,

Eva LeNoir lives in France with her husband, two sons and the entire food chain in pets: From fish to gerbils to cats and a dog. With a full time job that pays the bills, she reserves all of her free time to doing what she loves most: Writing.
Eva likes teasing her husband that she should have married a billionaire so she could stay home and write all day. But then he makes her laugh at his silly antics and all dreams of lavish lifestyles evaporate from her mind. A softie at heart, Eva can be seen crying whenever anything emotional is on TV or the radio. Yes, even commercials. So, if ever you meet her, make sure to bring a box of tissues and a good episode of Grey's Anatomy to witness the epic tear fest.
There are three things she believes unconditionally: Love really does conquer all, Humans are still inherently good and Wine and Cheese will solve all the problems of the world.

Eva LeNoir's Books

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Disarmed  (UCC Saga Book 2)
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Disarmed (UCC Saga Book 2)by Eva LeNoirPublish: Dec 14, 2016Series: UCC SagaRomance
Disheveled (#UCC Saga 1)
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Disheveled (#UCC Saga 1)by Eva LeNoirPublish: Jul 29, 2015Series: UCC SagaLiterary Fiction
Guns Blazing (Black Balled Spin-off)
Hard Edit: Sequel to
$3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Hard Edit: Sequel to "Black Balled"by Andrea SmithPublish: Sep 04, 2016Series: Black Balled Series

Eva LeNoir's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Eva LeNoir.
** Also, there might be other book series by Eva LeNoir not listed on AllAuthor.

  • UCC Saga

    1 Disheveled (#UCC Saga 1) - Published on Jul, 20152 Disarmed  (UCC Saga Book 2) - Published on Dec, 2016
  • Black Balled Series

    1 Hard Edit: Sequel to

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