What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
As a teenager I had the opportunity to play in two Babe Ruth World Series. The first was in Portland, Oregon and the second was in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
In life, who has been your biggest inspiration as an author?
A professional baseball I found a great deal of inspiration in attitude and effort by numerous teammates who becaome Hall of Famers.
Were you an avid reader as a child? Do you still read books?
Yes. I have always been an avid reader...mostly sports related as a youngster and self-development as an adult.
What made you realize that you wanted to be a writer?
The encouragement of my 10th grade English teacher.
Have you always been interested in sports?
I have always had a valid interest in sports generally. I played three sports in high school.
At what age did you start playing baseball?
I started playing baseball at age 9.
What did you enjoy most about writing "Winning the "Head" Game"?
Working with a Hall of Fame Coach in Coach Sonny Smith (Charles Barkley's college coach)
What was the writing process like when writing your first book?
LOL. That was 18 books ago! I remember how much I struggled, in the beginning, to put two sentences together.
Do you prefer writing on a notepad first or do you directly start writing on your computer?
Years ago it was on a notepad first. Now it is on the computer.
What is the most important thing to remember when hosting a TV show?
Making sure that you engage the guest early and often. From a personal standpoint, ensuring my hair is combed.
What is the nicest compliment you've ever received about your books?
Receiving a message from a reader that words from a book I wrote called UP YOUR ATTITUDE kept him from committing suicide.
What is your favorite time of the day to write? Have you ever pulled an all-nighter when writing?
My favorite time to write is early in the morning. I discipline myself to write for a minimum of two hours before heading to the tennis court. I cannot remember pulling an "all-nighter."
What are some ways in which you try and be an inspiration to others?
As a radio and TV hosts for 15 years, I had ample opportunities to touch many lives. I still do an average of 4 to 5 speaking engagements a monthl
What are some things you are working on currently?
A new book will be launched on October 27th entitled: PEOPLE SKILLS IN THE AGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA..It is a book every company or household should have a copy available. I spent 29 years training on People Skills.
How were you first introduced to AllAuthor and what were some of your thoughts coming in? What is your impression of the website now?
I'm really excited about the opportunity offered by AllAuthor. I look forward to it being a profitable arrangement for both parties.