Miss Ruby Heart 2 years ago WOW what can I say a true seasonal treat for the whole family. Think #CharlesDickens #AChristmasCarol but for kids. A story brought into the modern world.
I highly recommend the audio book too, great to listen to whilst sitting round that glowing fire with #ChristmasCarols playing gently in the background.
Here's a little teaser from #YoungEbenezer
'Many young boys and girls
are on their Playstations,
X-boxes, Nintendos,
throughout all the nation.
Yet one little fellow
is still not content,
to get even more presents,
is his main intent.'
'Now young Ebenezer,
is a naughty young lad,
not sharing with others,
he really is bad.
So Grandfather Time has
been watching him grow,
with a feeling of sadness
that is making him low.'
Check it out #BookLovers