About Author

Rebekah Wagner

Rebekah  Wagner
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Mystery Romance Science Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author, Mom
  • Born: 5th, January
  • Member Since: Aug 2019
  • Profile Views: 13,616
  • Followers: 50
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon,

Rebekah was born and raised in Thomasville North Carolina where she currently resides. She graduated from East Davidson High School in 2012 and published her first book two years later at the age of 20. She writes from the heart, to entertain others and to show people that even though you may have a disability you can still live your dreams, you just have to work for it and really want it.

Rebekah Wagner's Books

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The Everlasting Love: The Beginning
$0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
The Everlasting Love: The Beginningby Rebekah Mitchell-WagnerPublish: Dec 16, 2014Series: The Everlasting LoveSuspense Mystery Romance Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
High School Sweethearts
$10 kindleeBook,
High School Sweetheartsby Rebekah Mitchell-WagnerPublish: Jun 18, 2020Teen & Young Adult General Nonfiction
Vengence (The Everlasting Love Book 2)
$0.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Vengence (The Everlasting Love Book 2)by Rebekah Mitchell-WagnerPublish: Mar 29, 2015Series: The Everlasting LoveSuspense Mystery Romance Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
Visiting Heaven
(2) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Visiting Heavenby Rebekah WagnerPublish: Nov 15, 2018Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult

Rebekah Wagner's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Rebekah Wagner.
** Also, there might be other book series by Rebekah Wagner not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Everlasting Love

    1 The Everlasting Love: The Beginning - Published on Dec, 20142 Vengence (The Everlasting Love Book 2) - Published on Mar, 2015

Rebekah Wagner's Awards and Achievements

    Rebekah Wagner has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.


    Visiting Heaven


    High School Sweethearts

  • Book Excellence Award

    Visiting Heaven


Rebekah Wagner Interview On 04, Nov 2019

"Rebekah has always loved to read. Growing up she would read anything and everything she could get her hands on. She started The Everlasting Love in her junior year of high school and it came from a bunch of random things put together. Visiting Heaven is an inspirational dedication fiction. She wrote it in memory of her nanny/grandmother who passed away. She currently has two totally different books, a mystery romance, and another fantasy, in progress."
Born and raised in Thomasville North Carolina, how would you describe your childhood home?

I moved a couple of times growing up but I always ended back up not at a specific place but back to the area where the majority of my family is from. My mom raised my brother and I as a single parent with the help of my grandparents and we lived with them off and on for years until I became a teenager. I absolutely loved it because my grandparents lived on a farm so I was never really bored. I didn’t have electronics, instead I got to do a lot of outdoor things and the summers were always fun. From potato picking, playing in the creek, helping my pappy bail hay to even helping can homemade vegetables. I look back today and think to myself “Man I miss those days.”

Which is your favorite memory from your graduation days in East Davidson High School?

My time at East is a story in its self. I had good times and I had bad times. I don’t really have a favorite memory of graduating per say, I was just happy to graduate because doctors said I never would but I did. I graduated with a 3.8 GPA. At the time I didn’t think I would ever miss high school but since I had to quit college due to my brain issues I do. I miss the staff, the classes, the sitting in one certain spot in the hall with a book.

What inspired you to publish your first book at the age of 20?

I started The Everlasting Love my junior year of high school and it came from a bunch of random things put together. I always said that I was either going to be a singer, or a writer when I grew up or when I finally finished it I knew I wanted the world to see it. I got rejected a few times by traditional authors but then I met someone who was an author and her and I had a long conversation and her words and advice is what helped me get the ball rolling.

Where would you say your love for writing and storytelling to entertain other comes from?

I have always loved to read, Growing up I would read anything and everything I could get my hands on. But when it comes to where I get my ideas from honestly, it comes from random ideas in my head. I can be doing something and a word, sentence, phrase or even a name with just pop into my head and it comes from there. I’ll pull out a sheet of paper and it seems like the story just puts its self together.

Why did you choose to write in the crime fiction genre?

I don’t specifically write in the crime fiction category, actually I wouldn’t classify my books as that at all. I love multiple genres and styles therefore I write with multiple genre’s and styles. For example if you read The Everlasting Love series you will see that book one can be classified as a fantasy, romance teen drama as the second book can be classified as more of a fantasy, action drama. Each one of my books has their own genre.

Visiting Heaven is a heartfelt story about a woman named Victoria who loses her nanny. How did you get started with the story?

Visiting Heaven is an inspirational dedication fiction. I wrote it in memory of my nanny/grandmother who passed away. The book may be fiction but every emotion that Tori felt I felt. Some things in the book were based on true facts, mainly all the details about Tori’s nanny and their relationship. Visiting Heaven is basically a wish that everyone who has lost someone wants. I know I would do anything to have one more moment with my nanny.

Who inspired the character of Hannah Cherry? What is your usual process for choosing character names?

Wow the question has finally been asked. I have been waiting on this question since the book was published. I created Hannah as how I wish I could see myself if the book was real. As for the name you can thank Lisa Frank for that one. When I started the book I had two stuffed animals that were through Lisa Frank and one was named Hannah and the other was named Cherry. So that night as I was putting down my ideas I just put the two names together.

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

I really don’t do research unless I am using an actual place, person or location in my books. I like to make up my own places and things.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Never give up, keep trying, make mistakes, and learn from it because Stephen King didn’t become a writing sensation over night. All good things come in time.

If you had a chance to bring one of the characters in your book to life, who would it be and why?

This is a tough one; well I have three in mind right off the top of my head. It would have to be between Night, Bubba or Rebel. I say Night because who wouldn’t love to have a half witch half vampire best friend? Bubba is a laid back troll in the first book and I think just his personality in the book would make him very interesting to talk to in the real world. Rebel now I would absolutely love to have him in real life. He is a black cat that can shape shift into a black and white tiger. Who wouldn’t want that? Talk about a guard kitty.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

No one likes bad book reviews but you can’t please everyone. I look at all book reviews as feedback and a way to help my writing be better.

What is "High School Sweethearts" about and how did you come up with the idea for this book?

High School Sweethearts is my nonfiction that talks about how I met my first love and how it affected all four of my years at East. Everything in that book is 100% true. I wrote that book not out of revenge but to help other young girls throughout their high school years.

Do you prefer to write alone and in a quiet atmosphere? Or in public with a lot of background "white" noise?

I prefer alone because it helps me think more and easier. I can stay focused more and get more accomplished.

What book ideas are you currently working on?

I have two books in progress, two totally different books, a mystery romance, and another fantasy. Look for them in the near future.

When and why did you join All Author and what are your thoughts on the website so far?

I have a big problem with promotion so I joined All Author because I thought it would help my fan base and get my books out more to the world and I was right. I absolutely love the website and the people that I have interacted with have been extremely nice.

Ask Rebekah Wagner a Question

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      • Rebekah  Wagner Rebekah Wagner 5 years ago
      • Ever since I was a little kid I loved to write. I would always have a story to tell. So when I was in fourth grade I wrote my first short story and said that when I got older I was either going to be a writer or a singer. I published my first book when I was 20 while in college.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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