About Author

Teri Davis Newman

Teri Davis Newman
  • Genre:

    Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs Cooking
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 3
  • Profession: Political and Business Consultant
  • Born: 16 December
  • Member Since: Aug 2016
  • Profile Views: 19,864
  • Followers: 19
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Twitter, Amazon, YouTube,

My book describes my battle with BRCA1+ and the 100% fatal cancer it causes, This cancer caused my sister's death due to chemotherapy and I am currently the first and only known survivor of it. I fought the doctors who tried to kill me, Big Pharma and the FDA who tried to keep me from getting the medication that saved my life and the cancer that tried to kill me as it killed everyone else who has ever had it. It tells my story of the cancer battle and what I went through to bring immunotherapy to the forefront of the war on cancer that isn't being fought by BigPharma because the profits of chemotherapy (and it's pitiful 2.1% success rate) are 200 BILLION annually. There's no money in healthy people!
If you are sick and need help, contact me. I will help you. TeriDavisNewman@protonmail.com

Teri Davis Newman's Books

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50 Years In The Kitchen:  Cooking with Aunt Teri
$10.45 kindleeBook,
50 Years In The Kitchen: Cooking with Aunt Teriby Teri Davis NewmanPublish: Feb 24, 2018Cooking
Mass Murdering Doctors: The Truth About Oncologists, Chemotherapy and Cancer
(1) kindleeBook,
Mass Murdering Doctors: The Truth About Oncologists, Chemotherapy and Cancerby Teri Davis NewmanAdvice & How To General Nonfiction
Mass Murdering Doctors: The Truth About Oncologists, Chemotherapy And Cancer: How Corrupt, Greedy
$11.94 kindleeBook,

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      • Teri Davis Newman Teri Davis Newman 5 years ago
      • Today's generation are indoctrinated rather than educated and are virtually illiterate. Video games and text-speak have become their language and they can't even read cursive handwriting. Pitiful.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Teri Davis Newman Teri Davis Newman 5 years ago
      • Gone With the Wind, because it is the greatest story ever told. Everything about it works and the characters are unforgettable for the rest of your life.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Teri Davis Newman Teri Davis Newman 5 years ago
      • You have to leave it all on the paper and it takes a huge amount of courage to put your deepest fears and feelings on public record for the whole world to see. You become emotionally naked for the rest of your life to anyone who reads your book when you write non-fiction about something as personal as battling cancer wit no help from the medical establishment.
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      • Teri Davis Newman Teri Davis Newman 5 years ago
      • I want everyone with cancer to know that chemotherapy is not the answer and I want to make sure the family members I have that also carry the BRCA1+ genetic defect know they will not die from cancer. This was never just about me.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Teri Davis Newman Teri Davis Newman 5 years ago
      • Susan B. Anthony because she helped everyone in America have the right to vote, regardless of gender, and a great force for freedom. George S. Patton because of the great stories he would tell about the war and the people involved and because of his irreverence to authority. Ron Turcotte because as a lifetime equestrienne, I have to know what it was like to ride the mighty Secretariat in the Triple Crown races and to win the Belmont by more than an eighth of a mile.
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