“I am many things but normal is not one of them," said Aimee when an interviewer asked her to describe herself. She is a novelist whose genres include Fantasy and all its subgenres. When asked what drives her, Aimee says, “The world around me. The people I know. The love and support of my family." Aimee is a family-driven person and enjoys meeting and getting to know her readers. She is full of life and down-to-earth. She has a personality that fills the room. More than that, Aimee is someone people easily open up to. Her passion for life, reading, and writing are evident in her novels ... and she leaves no stone unturned in showcasing real emotions even in a fantasy world.
Aimee currently resides in New York City with her family. Her books are currently available on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo.
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Book |
Bloodsport: A Fiction-Atlas Press Vampire Anthology (Fiction-Atlas Anthologies)by C.L. CannonPublish: Nov 30, 2020Paranormal Romance |
Of Shadows and Crows (The Blood Assassin Book 1)by Aimee ShayePublish: Oct 17, 2021Fantasy Teen & Young Adult |
The Broken Daughter (The Cursed Kingdom Book 1)by Aimee ShayePublish: May 24, 2020Fantasy Teen & Young Adult |
My hometown is New York City. I love how diverse NYC is and that there is always something to do from concerts to sports games to fairs in the summer. There are also fun amusement parks and water parks within an hour and a half from the city, which makes summers fun!
What were your dreams as a child?As a child, I dreamed of being a teacher and an author. My family understands what it’s like to be creative and wanting to put creativity to use so they always supported my dreams. I am now both a teacher and an author!
Why did you choose the fantasy genre?Growing up, I always had a wild imagination about adventures and quests. My dad and I share a love for those kinds of movies and they continue to fill my head with all kinds of fantasies of princesses, pirate ships, a quest for relics and magic spells. These stories come naturally to me.
What are some of the best books you've found while rummaging through bookshops?There are so many! One of the best, though, would have to be Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series. I have never read a series longer than 3-4 books but when I discovered the Dark Hunter books and realized I had bought book 12 in the series, I had to have the rest. The world she created right here in the US in NOLA is so immersive, I could imagine these Hunters walking side by side with us, protecting us from demons at night!
What made you decide to start writing "Dark Souls Bound By Blood?" What is a common mistake many authors make when they try to write a romance story?I wanted to be a part of an anthology with authors who were supportive and pulled their weight. Writing a vampire romance is something I always wanted to do but life got in the way and I wasn’t able to follow through with joining the anthology. A common mistake many authors make when they try to write a romance story is they try to figure out the spice level beforehand or they put pressure on themselves to write what sells. I think it’s more important to write the story and tell it how it comes naturally or else you’ll end up forcing something that you may or may not be happy with in the end.
How did you come up with the character name of Empress Dimia?I came up with Empress Dimia by the seat of my pants. I was writing a scene with her character in it & I was playing around with Demi (Dimi, Deni, Dani) and then erased it all and wrote Dimia. I liked the way it sounded, so I kept it!
If you were describing your book “Of Shadows and Crows” to someone who hates the fantasy genre, how would you make it sound appealing to them?Pitching books is one of my weaknesses, haha! I would tell them that this isn’t a typical fantasy novels, it’s vampiric assassins at war against each other with the cause being the protection of humans.
What was the biggest challenge while publishing your books?The biggest challenge is marketing. Being an independent author means fronting all of the cost yourself. As a teacher, money is tight and I have to stick to a budget. I am unable to afford ads, so I rely on organic marketing through social media and local means, hoping that I’m using the right tactics and that I’m personable enough so readers want to take a chance on me.
Who is your favourite character in the book “The Broken Daughter?" What makes him/her such a strong character?My favorite character is King Drystan. He isn’t the typical king you see in fantasy novels. He feels that he doesn’t deserve his title and he puts his people and friends before himself. He trusts his advisor to run the kingdom in his absence while he helps Princess Aymeri find her mother’s murderer. What makes him strong is his loyalty to his people and his friends. He’ll stop at nothing to ensure they get what they deserve.
Where were you when you were stuck with the idea for "The Dead Daughter"?I was sitting in my dining room looking over the syllabus for one of my creative writing courses. The final project was to outline a novel or the first book in a series. As I was outlining, “The Broken Daughter” (the first book in the series), I needed to figure out the overarching plot of the entire series, so I needed to plan “The Dead Daughter” as well.
What kind of research was involved in the writing the story in "Bloodsport"? Name one interesting fact you learned about paranormal activities when writing this book.I had to research more about reincarnation. Coming from a family of mixed ethnic background also entails being of mixed faith. My grandma was Hindu and I grew up watching Bollywood films which inspired the story “Of Shadows and Blood” in the “Bloodsport” anthology. Anyway, I learned that there are many religions that believe in reincarnation and that there are different ways to obtain it. Some say you remember your past life, while others say you may not.
What are some things you do to get the brain juices flowing when trying to brainstorm new book ideas?I love bouncing ideas off my husband. He is such an amazing writer (and he’s also my cover designer). Talking to him helps me flush out the story and he even helps me develop it. I also listen to music that I imagine my characters listening to. Usually, the music is instrumental.
What is your take on the importance of a good cover and title? Have you ever designed your own book cover?The title and cover are the first two things readers are going to see. They are equally important. Both titles and book covers convey the genre to readers. For instance, “Of and ” is a common title trope for fantasy novels. Fantasy covers also have specific color schemes, layouts, and designs that not only convey genre but subgenre. That said, I haven’t designed my own covers, but I have illustrated for them. My husband is a professional cover designer and when we couldn’t find stock photos of crowns I wanted for The Cursed Kingdom series, I ended up sketching out what I wanted my husband to illustrate for me. Instead, he was so impressed by the detail, he used my illustrations and heightened them using the Adobe Creative Suite.
How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?I have so many! One of these that I’ll be developing is based on Norse Mythology. It’s titled “The Sisterhood of Darkness” and will be focused on the Valkyrie.
Judging from your experience so far, how would you rate and review AllAuthor?I give AllAuthor a 10/10! I’m still learning the ropes on what I can do on the site but I love the promise it has!
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