Anna works from home and has three adult children, one grandchild, and a multi-generational household. She lives with three cats and a workaholic husband.
She comes from a family of writers. Her mom, her grandmother, and several other family members are engaged in the art of writing.
She does ask the advice of her cats. “They have good ideas,” she says. The world around her offers a variety of sinister plots, even if it is just someone waiting for the bus.
Why the Cozy Mystery series? Anna says she felt overwhelmed with her storylines being too serious. Enter ... an introverted IT coder, Emily, and a lonely black cat, Jeffrey. Together, they make a home, and their lives fill with companionship with too much excitement.
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Discovery: Finding Home (Emily's Cat Mysteries Book 1)by Anna K PaynePublish: Aug 29, 2022Series: Emily's Cat MysteriesMystery |
The Spider Knows: Helping Neighbors (Emily's Cat Mysteries Book 2)by Anna K PaynePublish: Oct 26, 2022Series: Emily's Cat MysteriesMystery |
I don't remember the names of any books I read in grade school except the Bible. But I do remember bugging my brother because I was allowed to check out books from his classroom (a year ahead) because I had finished all the books in my classroom. The same brother and I once read through the encyclopedia set my parents had. It was our summer activity that year. My brother won the contest.
What is your main job as web consultant at Nature's Select?At Nature's Select I am a consultant. I work as a 1099 employee and liaison with their server guys, developer consultants, and keep track of the invoices. I also have developed Salesforce administrator expertise as well as polished php, css, and wordpress skills. I work with their distributors on fixing issues and adding reports, etc.
Who or what gave you the inspiration to write Lily? Have you any advice for any women that may find themselves in a similar situation as Lily (alone, divorced, single parent, etc)?I've always wanted to write a book centered around the dynamics of a small bible study group. The idea of Lily emerged when I met a woman who joined a bible study but had not yet accepted Jesus as her savior. I was intrigued with her testimony. These two ideas merged with my passion for helping hurting women to create a series showing God meeting their needs emotionally and spiritually as well as a network of support created through the group. My advice for hurting women is to find a small group of women who show love, compassion, and hug way too much.
What is one goal you keep in mind when writing? Have you accomplished it yet?My one goal in my writing is to help hurting women. I'm always looking for another way to inspire, encourage, spread love, and listen. I will pursue this until I'm no longer able.
According to you, what is the best way you can show love to someone?Truly listening to someone with your entire attention, watching their body language as well as their words, accepting their words without judgement or anger. Everyone needs to know they are worthy of attention. Everyone needs to be heard.
What are your thoughts on conventional publishing vs self publishing? What route did you choose and why?I chose self publishing because I want to get my stories out for every one to read. I feel an urgency to share these books and this is what I'm supposed to do. Conventional publishing means waiting and I didn't want to wait.
How long did it take you to write "Beginnings: Driving With Anna"? Do you ever read your own books or devotionals during difficult times?Beginnings was written over several years. I wrote it through out some of my most difficult years. Each chapter was about the beginning of something, mostly the beginning of a year. The chapters are taken from blog posts I made on an obsolete blog, Driving with Anna. Every year I would explore God's plan for me and ask for a verse or a theme to cling to for the year. Remembrance Book is a short booklet with the verses I read often. I've read some of them so often, they are memorized. Be Strong and Courageous contains many verses to help with panic, fear, and despair. By the time I finished writing all of the blog posts for that one, I began 4 years of changes. My Driving with Anna books are older and contain so many wonderful family memories for me. It's good to relive how God met me in my low places and brought me through parenting teens!
So you discuss a lot of writing ideas with you son-in-law, correct? What are some favourite ideas you always come back to? And has he ever thought of becoming a writer?My son-in-law is an awesome person and he fits into my family quite well. He was diagnosed with MS at the age of 16 years but that hasn't stopped him from living. He is a drummer, a song writer, an author of an unfinished amazing book - I've read some of it and couldn't put it down! He is also a loving father and husband as well as a woodworker. I've been amazed at what he can do in spite of MS and the heat of the valley we live in. We talk about everything and he listens to my plot lines with interest, because, figuring out villains and dead bodies is always fun. I remember one July 4th weekend I was working on the plot lines for the Planted Flowers series, everyone had a comment and idea for each of the women and their books. I'm currently working on Jason to finish the first book in his series so we can edit it together!
What, to you, is a life well lived?A life well lived is one filled with love, family, friends, and God.
What is it about the verse John 14:26 that really speaks to you? What sort of feedback have you gotten about your book "Remembrance Book" so far?John 14:26. The advocate, the Holy Spirit, is here right now with us. He speaks to us and brings every thing to our remembrance, every verse we've read or heard, He brings to our minds when we need it. The best feedback I've gotten so far is from my great Aunt Irene. She told my mom she found her verse for the year while reading Remembrance Book. It is a great privilege to help people hear God speaking to them.
Favourite thing to snack on while writing?I'm allergic to so many things so no nuts, chips, or usual snacks. I've recently discovered figs and dates. Dates are very satisfying with lemon water or peppermint water.
What are some day jobs that you've held before you became a writer and how did they impact your writing today?I still have a day job as a web consultant, but I've also delivered flowers and worked in grade school and middle school in the cafeteria preparing the food. My favorite position was at a boating accessories company where they make personalized items for boaters, hats, mats, t-shirts, cups, napkins, all with their boat names - Welcome Aboard! It opened a completely different world to me. I've done data input from home and worked at different software companies. My favorite job was being a home school mom teaching my three children.
What are some mistakes you used to make a lot when you were a new author and what are the best ways to avoid or correct them?The biggest mistake to make as a new author is to not write. As writers, we should be writing every day. And not just blog posts or emails, but writing, plotting, and allowing our imaginations to soar. Editing can be tedious and mind numbing, especially typing in edits. Make sure you find time for the fun stuff every day. And learn your abilities. I, personally, am not a great proofreader. Sometimes I spot things, but if I really am into the subject matter, I gloss right over misspelled words and wrong words. Now I use an editor for those things.
What are your thoughts on AllAuthor so far? Would you recommend this platform to your other author friends?I'm on several platforms and they all offer good things. But Mady and AllAuthor are, by far, the most personable and pleasant to work with.
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