About Author

April D. Berry

April D. Berry

April Berry is a romance author born and raised in Georgia. She still resides there with her husband, son, and daughter. When she's not creating fun stories with happy endings, she loves to bake, read, snuggling with her various fur babies, and binge-watching series! Find her on FB, IG and TT!

April D. Berry's Books

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Served: The Club Series Book 1
$2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Served: The Club Series Book 1by April BerryPublish: Aug 31, 2021Series: The Club SeriesContemporary Romance Romance Literary Fiction
Write Next Door
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Write Next Doorby April BerryPublish: Mar 04, 2022Romance
Love, Again
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Love, Againby April BerryPublish: Nov 16, 2021Romance
Blood of The Daughter : Wolves of The Western World Book One
$4.99 kindleeBook,
Blood of The Daughter : Wolves of The Western World Book Oneby April BerryPublish: Mar 25, 2024Paranormal Romance

April D. Berry's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by April D. Berry.
** Also, there might be other book series by April D. Berry not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Club Series

    1 Served: The Club Series Book 1 - Published on Aug, 2021

April D. Berry Interview On 28, Feb 2025

"April Berry is a romance author born and raised in Georgia, where she still lives with her husband, son, and daughter. She writes love stories her way, with plenty of heart, humor, and the occasional shenanigans. When she’s not crafting heartwarming love stories with happy endings, she enjoys baking, reading, snuggling with her fur babies, and binge-watching her favorite series."
What inspired you to start writing romance novels, and how did your journey as an author begin?

I have been a writer since I was a child, even having some poetry published with the help of my elementary school English teacher! But I didn't make the decision to start publishing until I was 38. I saw an interview with Diana Gabaldon about how she was 36 when she wrote Outlander. I always thought I had missed the boat with life, work, and kids, but when I saw that, I took it as a sign to go for it! I have been obsessed with romance since I was probably too young, and love the different journeys of couples so it was a no-brainer for me to stick to romance!

As a Georgia native, do you incorporate any aspects of Southern culture into your stories?

of my books are set in Georgia since I was born, raised, and still reside here. I'm most comfortable writing what I'm familiar with and definitely have a lot of nods to the locale in all of my books, but some are only noticed by folks who are familiar with the area.

Can you share a little bit about your writing process? Do you have any rituals or routines when creating your books?

My process is not unlike many others. I'm a discovery writer, but I find that the deeper I get into my characters and plot, especially with series, I can often know a general idea of what's going to happen, but I never outline and sometimes even I get surprised by my characters or the plot as I go! I try to stick to a word count daily, and I have to have my ice water handy and I enjoy music that vibes with the story as I go. I always write from my couch on the laptop because I never feel inspired at my desk. My hubby keeps telling me I will regret this when my back is bad!

What’s the most rewarding part of writing romance, and how do you connect with your readers?

The HEA is always my payoff! If I have reached that part of the story, it also means the plot has tied together and I love that feeling! It's also very rewarding externally when readers reach out or tag me on socials about my stories or characters. It's so wild to know that people enjoy my imaginary friends!

How do you develop the chemistry between your characters? Is it something that comes naturally, or do you have to work at it?

My stories are all very character driven, even the suspenseful ones. My characters come to me, and I just write their stories so the chemistry is usually there. That's not to say they don't tick me off, and the readers, occasionally, but there is no perfection in real humans, so I will never write my characters without some flaws. But that's the fun of a character arc, right?

Who are your biggest influences when it comes to writing romance, and do they have an impact on your work?

I read and watch a lot of romantic media, and find that even in things not labeled romance it's so prevalent. I think that plus my own lived experiences tend to somehow sneak into the stories, even if those real things are small nuggets and not the main plot. I find a mix of favorite authors really push me to test my own strengths because I love their work and some of those are Rebecca Hefner, CD Gorri, Victoria Jayne, and I love Liz Zerkel romcoms!

What themes or messages do you hope readers take away from your books?

I honestly write to provide an escape and maybe have folks root for my characters. I read a lot of contracts for my day job and people have such busy lives raising families, working, and just managing day to day, so I write what I call easy reads. If someone gets something deep from them or relates to the story, that's an added bonus, but I just want folks to have fun reading!

How do you balance your writing career with family life? Do your husband, son, and daughter inspire any of your characters or storylines?

Balance is a fallacy. Something always will suffer whether that is laundry, my hair, etc. I work FT, have active teens, and a hubby so it's a constant juggling act to get books written and marketing done. I tend to keep my family out of my stories, but I think some of their traits sneak in occasionally because we pull from the recesses of our brains to write, so of course people around you will somehow appear.

You mentioned enjoying baking in your downtime—do you ever incorporate food into your novels, and if so, how?

I have food in the books! Folks gotta eat! But not all of them bake. I do have a few characters that enjoy it, but I think like my family, I try to keep my own personality out of the books, even though I know my quirks slip in sometimes!

What has been the most memorable or touching response you’ve received from a reader?

I've had so many touching moments with readers over the last few years, but I will never forget the first person stranger that made a TT video after they read my debut unprompted and the first stranger to comment on a social media post that she loved my debut. I did everything wrong with the promo of that book and knowing that random people not only found it but enjoyed it was bananas. Those readers are still loyal readers today, and I will never forget them!

Do you have a favorite book among your own works, or a particular character who holds a special place in your heart?

Blood of The Daughter was written during a dark time for me and the arc of the MFC helped me push through. Her strength gave me strength somehow, so even though it was difficult, I can never forget what writing that did for my soul. My favorite character, though, is Amy from The Club Series. She's the friend everyone deserves!

Romance novels often feature strong relationships—what qualities do you think make a romantic relationship truly lasting and meaningful?

Even though some folks hate it, a lot of miscommunication happens in mine. Not misunderstands but actual miscommunication then the journey to learn how to move past that. I'm now 43 years old, and romantic or not, so many relationships take practice to learn proper communication. Talking and answering is not the same as expression and understanding, and that can be hard. But once you figure it out, it's oh so sweet! I also think trust and admiration are important. Crushes are fun, but real deep down love is earth-shaking!

What do you enjoy reading in your spare time, and how does it influence your own writing?

I'm a total mood reader but it's always some genre of romance, with the exception of a few mysteries by JC Fuller! I love to read romance, though, because it's fun but also helps me stay current on craft improvement.

What can readers expect next from you? Are there any upcoming projects or series you’re excited to share?

I am still writing in my MC series right now and the next one is out in May 2025, with another MC books in a new series out in August 2025! I will finish us BoTD trilogy probably between 2026-2027.

What are your thoughts on AllAuthor? Is this a website you see yourself using for some time, even in the future?

I've had a great experience with AllAuthor and I have seen some return on sales from the promo I've gotten with them. Just like everything else, it takes time but the stats are there!

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