About Author

A.R Cunningham

A.R Cunningham

Born and raised in the UK, A.R Cunningham has always had a curious and macabre imagination that led her to ask the truly important questions in life. Such as, what would happen if Heaven outsourced its paperwork to Hell and is it better to die sooner or later in a zombie apocalypse? Seeking answers to these questions has helped her refine her storytelling powers and alongside fantasy series the Relics Saga, she is also working on several YA fantasy novels and has had her horror-fantasy short stories win prizes and feature in story anthologies.

A.R Cunningham's Books

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A.R Cunningham's Series in Order

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  • The Relics Saga

    1 The Life and Times of the Traitor Killean Onryn (The Relics Saga Book 1) - Published on Nov, 2024

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