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Ariella Talix

Ariella Talix

Ariella Talix is the nom de plume of a bestselling author who lives in America’s Heartland. Her goal is to preserve the dignity of family members who would rather not be associated publicly with a woman who writes such scandalous and stimulating novels. She’s not going to stop writing them though.
She loves her family, pets, great books, not-so-great books that still entertain, and art.

Born and raised near the beaches of southern California, Ariella Talix traveled the world extensively and then found her true home in the Midwest. She has a second-degree black belt in Karate and has been a professional artist for many years. Her work is displayed in countries all over the world.

Ariella Talix's Books

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Lovers in Louisville (Box Set Books 1, 2, & 3): Save Her, Saving Him, Savor This
$9.99 kindleeBook,
Lovers in Louisville (Box Set Books 1, 2, & 3): Save Her, Saving Him, Savor Thisby Ariella TalixPublish: May 25, 2023Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense
The Drummonds Series (Box Set Books 1, 2, & 3): Porter the Importer, Make Believe, The Artist
$9.99 kindleeBook,
The Drummonds Series (Box Set Books 1, 2, & 3): Porter the Importer, Make Believe, The Artistby Ariella TalixPublish: May 24, 2023Contemporary Romance Romance
The Passion of 3 (The Perfect Number Book 2)
$4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
The Passion of 3 (The Perfect Number Book 2)by Ariella TalixPublish: Nov 14, 2022Series: The Perfect NumberContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Erotic Romance LGBT
Group Hug
$5.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Group Hugby Ariella TalixPublish: Jan 21, 2024Contemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance LGBT

Ariella Talix's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Ariella Talix.
** Also, there might be other book series by Ariella Talix not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Perfect Number

    1 The Passion of 3 (The Perfect Number Book 2) - Published on Nov, 2022

Ariella Talix Interview On 11, Oct 2019

"Books were a special treat for Ariella Talix, so she went to the library a lot and the local bookstore. She read everything she could get her hands on book-wise. She loved novels and poetry. She has a second-degree black belt in Karate and has been a professional artist for many years. She probably started writing when she was about 8 or 9. She loves the guarantee of the HEA."
Born and raised near the beaches of southern California, which is your favorite childhood memory?

Plenty of good ones, but probably riding my horses would top the list.

What type of books did you read during childhood? Has your taste changed since you started pursuing a writing career?

Books were a special treat, so I went to the library a lot and the local bookstore. I didn’t stay indoor to read all the time though because there was an awful lot of time spent outside playing. I read everything I could get my hands on book-wise. I loved novels and poetry. I don’t’ read poetry much now, but I still enjoy novels.

At what age did you begin writing? Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?

I probably started writing when I was about 8 or 9. I remember a play I wrote, but not the first story. I also spent a lot of time creating art.

Tell us a little about your book "Porter the Importer." Why did you write this book and what do you hope to achieve with it?

Porter the Importer is a prequel that was written after the two main Drummonds series books. I simply hadn’t done enough with Molly and Porter, so they needed their own story. I adored both of their characters and felt strongly that they needed a voice. I loved the way it came out.

Being a published romance book author, what elements of a book do you think make it attractive to the readers?

First and foremost, the main characters need to be relatable to the reader. I want my characters to be accessible and real. They aren’t perfect people, and they have their moods and make mistakes, but they are lovable. The plot can’t be so outlandish that it could never happen in a million years too. It can be a teensy bit outrageous, but not ridiculous.

What do you enjoy most about writing romance? Would you continue to write as much as you do even if you weren't a published author?

I love the guarantee of the HEA. No. I would probably not write much if no one ever read the books. I like to know I’ve touched people.

How would you describe the relationship between Lily Drummond and Finn Reilly? How do you choose professions for your characters and how do you think it affects the story?

Lily and Finn are wonderful with amazing chemistry. He brought her out of a very dark place, and then she helped him through his own troubles. Lily’s job allowed her the flexibility to be home raising a puppy, so that’s why I made her a web developer who could work remotely. Finn is a lawyer mostly because I’ve known so many of them, and it suited his character. His father Liam has many elements to him that are an homage to my own dad, so I wanted them both to be lawyers. The professions of all my characters are vital to the stories, and the subsequent artists in later books come from my own experiences as a professional artists and later as a professional writer.

When did you decide that "Lovers in Louisville" is going to be a series? How many more books are you going to write in this series?

It was always goin to be a 3-book series from the outset. The second, Saving Him, is the editing stages now, and the third one is bouncing around in my head. It’s going to be called Savor This.

What were your goals with the book "The Designer"? Do you think you achieved them?

This was my favorite book, although I love the ending to my current WIP as much. I wanted to use my imagination in The Designer and create places that could happen in Paris but don’t actually exist. And I wanted David’s story to unfold. It makes me cry, but it also makes me happy. Yes, I do think I achieved my goals with the book.

What are some of the other things you are passionate about apart from writing?

My family, my dog, and art.

"Save Her" is a Drummond Series spin-off and the first in the Lovers in Louisville Series. Have any negative reviews or constructive criticism come your way? How do you handle it?

Certainly the criticisms from beta readers and my editor have helped, but I also had to give myself a huge talking to while I was writing Save Her. I re-wrote a lot of it after it was edited because I decided on my own that it needed more suspense. I was very happy with the outcome. And then I had to have it edited all over again. Negative reviews are helpful sometimes, but usually they say something dumb like “It wasn’t for me.” I don’t know why that’s an acceptable review. I’ve seen my share of trolls who criticize things horribly when they don’t think a book was written just for their taste. How arrogant! Just move on and find something you enjoy, but don’t try to ruin some author because you have different taste.

Which of the female characters in your books do you relate to the most? Why?

I think it would have to be Sibley in Saving Him, which will be released soon. There are elements to all the women I relate to however. Sibley is probably the most like me.

As a writer, how do you keep track of all the different characters and stories you've written? Do you have any favourites?

The characters live full lives in my head!

Ariella Talix's Favorite Quotes

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      • Ariella Talix Ariella Talix 5 years ago
      • Well, I certainly learned a LOT from my beta readers, editor, and proofreader. I try to make their jobs easier with each book I write. It's a humbling experience to face the fact that not everything you dream up is golden. ;)
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Ariella Talix Ariella Talix 5 years ago
      • Understand that with good writing also comes marketing your work. It's not the fun part, but it's a necessary evil. Accept that you'll have to devote more time to the business part of the career than you'd like.
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      • Ariella Talix Ariella Talix 5 years ago
      • A really great author will have their own voice, but the book characters will also have individual ones. I love great story-telling too. Colorful, imaginative descriptions and humor that surprises the reader when it comes out suddenly.
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