About Author

Anthony Scott

Anthony Scott
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure New Adult Romance Erotic Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction LGBT Humor African American Interest Teen & Young Adult
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Dreamer
  • Born: 6 May
  • Member Since: Jun 2021
  • Profile Views: 28,115
  • Followers: 120
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon,

"I'm just another man with a purpose. Forgive me for looking for it.
Building friendships & communities with Righteous tendencies."

Anthony Scott's Books

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Beat The Case
(3) $6.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
Beat The Caseby Anthony ScottPublish: Aug 17, 2021Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Action & Adventure African American Interest
In The Cut
(3) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
In The Cutby Anthony ScottPublish: Nov 30, 2019Series: Chronicles Of A Humble HitterCrime Fiction Thriller Action & Adventure African American Interest Teen & Young Adult
(2) $5.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
M.I.A.by Anthony ScottPublish: Apr 21, 2021Series: Chronicles Of A Humble HitterCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Action & Adventure African American Interest Teen & Young Adult more»
When A Man Works
$6.69 kindleeBook,
When A Man Worksby Anthony ScottPublish: Feb 05, 2022Crime Fiction Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Erotic Romance African American Interest

Anthony Scott's Series in Order

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** Also, there might be other book series by Anthony Scott not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Chronicles Of A Humble Hitter

    1 In The Cut - Published on Nov, 20192 M.I.A. - Published on Apr, 2021

Anthony Scott Interview On 15, Dec 2021

"Anthony Scott was born & raised in NE Portland, Oregon. His inspirations were the loving people before him. He is the creator of the Humble Hitter series. He dreams to help the Community and build a strong legacy. He is an ambitious Entrepreneur and a man with a purpose."
Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born & raised in NE Portland, Oregon. My childhood was well. I grew up in a big neighborhood where half the houses had fruit trees in the property. I was around other kids a lot, traveling on the public buses everyday. I was well taken care of within the community, or I should say my family's village. I always noticed others' moves, whether right or wrong, but I took note to how swayed we are as a people. We all have a distance to go…

Who or what were some of your greatest inspirations growing up?

My inspirations were the loving people before me. I see how one must put in work, and that definitely counts… but the kind hearted folk who don't fold to the negative/evil in this world.

How did your parents encourage you to start writing?

My mom let me know that our achievements & work is what will live longer than our flesh. I already wanted to write a spycraft novel but when I realized my published work can have people entertained as well as learn, I had to get a tablet…

What developed your love for reading?

The realistic content in a book that I must visualize us what intrigued me about reading. And it was well after all the times a teacher made me read. The first time I enjoyed reading was when I randomly bought a book from Wal-Mart my first year in college.

When writing, do you prefer to be more original or deliver what the readers want?

I only write original content. But I am trying to critique my craft..

How did you come yo with the idea of your book, In The Cut?

In The Cut is an introduction to my original series which is based ion a true character, a religious man who lived and survived through a brutal war. The series is what I had in mind but this intro had some extra conflict in the city. It was really just the return home from an honorable discharge.

What's your favourite time and place to write in?

My favorite time & place to write… unfortunately I haven't experienced it yet, being behind bars since my 1st write.

What inspired you to write the story of Michael Holland in Beat The Case?

Michael Holland is also based on a true character… so many people fall to a corrupt system without having a chance, whether it's falling in a situation they had no intent to be in or totally getting manipulated. This story is for those people who are forgotten while betting wrongfully held by the state or government. Or any authority high or low.

What other authors are you friends with and how do they help you become a better writer?

If I had to choose two authors I’d say Xavier Smith & my coach KC Loesener. They're both inspiring me every time we speak.

What is your ultimate, hands-down, favourite holiday spot and why?

My ultimate, hands down favorite Holiday spot is the family function somewhere in Portland… unless we traveled.

Do you have any strange or funny writing rituals or habits that, however irrational, you can't seem to break? Do you have reasons for them?

Writing rituals? I like to write out my rough draft and then type. I might even support the cannabis movement, when writing an action scene or sunbathing like that…

What do you think is one crucial lesson that you've learned that only comes with age?

Be Humble. Be righteous. Humble yourself Moreso.

You have added "Dreamer" as your profession on your AllAuthor profile. What makes you a dreamer? What is your biggest dream?

I am a dreamer because I'm also locked away in Georgia. I'm limited more than all of my professional peers while my current peers sometimes struggle with work & their hope. I am only one in this world but I see from my angle. I see how we all are not perfect, how we all fall short in some ways. I don't like to think anyone is a lost cause but we know how things are & 1 person can't change the world. Especially not from here… my biggest dream in this lifetime would be to build a network that benefits the whole community. Not excluding anyone of good intentions. We're all Kings & Queens. Let's move as such.

What is your next book about which is going to publish soon?

When A Man Works is an adult erotic novel. Be on the lookout come January.

Lastly, what's the best way to market your books, according to you? Has your time with AllAuthor been fruitful for your work? Would you recommend this platform to your other author friends?

The best way to market books would be hands on. You have to get out there and mingle with the readers, locals, and supporters. I'm enjoying AllAuthor it is a professional platform with a lot of other legends still publishing new books.

I'd definitely recommend this site to authors. It's a way to promote your books and network with other creators. Be apart of the community and find your way to success!

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