About Author

Barbara Daniels Dena

Barbara Daniels Dena
  • Genre:

    Literary Fiction Christian Fiction Humor Biographies & Memoirs
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 2
  • Profession: Author, Proof Reader, Writer. Beta
  • Born: 20 January
  • Member Since: Sep 2021
  • Profile Views: 21,394
  • Followers: 235
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Amazon, Linkedin,

Barbara Daniels Dena is an indie author and influential writer of an eclectic short story collection that includes many genres. Book one, "For the Soul: A Collection of Short Stories," was released in August 2021, and book two, titled "One Soul's Journey," was released on Jan. 25th, 2023. Her books are available on Amazon Books, Amazon Kindle, and many fine online book sites.

The stories are almost a memoir of inspiring and unique stories of 'good ole fashioned living,' along with many humorous past and present memories that will tug on the heart, fictional tall tales, and some children's tales delighting readers worldwide. Barbara began writing at an early age as a lover of "Make-Believe." Today, her writing has developed from memories of family and 'life unexpected' with various compilations of events in her life and her love of animals. She is willing to admit that her vivid imagination plays a role in her stories.

The author is an Illinois native who has lived in many places. As Barb says, I am like a free-spirited "Gypsy." She has lived and worked in Illinois, Washington, Colorado, Montana, Missouri, and Georgia, and ultimately returned home and settled in the Quad Cities area of Illinois. She is a proud mother of two grown children. She was a business owner, ran a temporary employment agency, then transitioned into her passion for floral design and opened two floral shops. When she isn't writing, Barbara spends her free time oil painting and enjoys quilting, knitting, and reading. Her favorite book is "Death Be Not Proud" by John J. Gunther.

Her first love is her fur baby, a little Yorkie named Zoe. She continues to write from her cozy nook as she gazes over a pond full of geese and ducks. On many days, it is more gazing than writing.

Barbara Daniels Dena's Books

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$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,
For the Soul (A Collection of Short Stories)by Barbara Daniels DenaPublish: Aug 19, 2021Literary Fiction Humor Biographies & Memoirs
$4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
One Soul's Journey: Second Collection of Short Stories (The Soul Series)by Barbara Daniels DenaPublish: Jan 25, 2023Series: The Soul SeriesLiterary Fiction Humor Biographies & Memoirs

Barbara Daniels Dena's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Barbara Daniels Dena.
** Also, there might be other book series by Barbara Daniels Dena not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Soul Series

    1 One Soul's Journey: Second Collection of Short Stories (The Soul Series) - Published on Jan, 2023

Barbara Daniels Dena's Awards and Achievements

    Barbara Daniels Dena has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • 5-Star Book Review By Reader's Favorite

    One Soul's Journey: Second Collection of Short Stories (The Soul Series)

  • Reader's Favorite 5-Star Awarded Book Review

    For the Soul (A Collection of Short Stories)


Barbara Daniels Dena Interview On 18, May 2023

"Barbara Daniels Dena is an indie author and influential writer whose eclectic collection of short stories will transport you to realms beyond your wildest imagination. With a keen eye for detail and an exquisite command of language, Barbara crafts rich and immersive worlds that leave an indelible mark on the reader's mind. As an indie author, she has embraced the freedom to unleash her creative vision, unencumbered by the constraints of traditional publishing. Her first love is her fur baby, a little Yorkie named Zoe."
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Yes, it is so funny. When I was a child, I wanted a rainbow can-can for Christmas. When the family was gone, I snuck into the closet, opened my present and there it was. Yay! But when Christmas arrived, I was so sad that I didn’t have the surprise that I always anticipated every year.

What inspired your first original story? Did you share the tale with anyone?

I have been doing the ‘what if’ stories my whole life so I can’t imagine not sharing them. My first one was probably about trolls because Dad always told us kids to hurry on because there was a troll under the bridge. I probably bored friends and family to pieces with my imagination. I am and always have been inspired by ‘life itself’ in my stories, especially funny things, and mysteries.

Where did you get your degree in education? What was the most memorable part of college for you?

Marycrest College, Davenport, Iowa. My classmates were a hoot. It took me a few years to finish my degree, so I was older than the younger students, and I had a great time with them sharing ideas and the things which were important in their lives.

Did you always want to be a writer?

Absolutely. As the years went by, I said I was going to be the next Danielle Steel, but I found I do not have the patience to write a novel. Short stories are my favorite writing style.

What challenges did you feel while getting your debut book, "For the Soul: A Collection of Short Stories" published?

For me, I am old school and learning technology for uploading the book was a hurdle which was so difficult for me to understand. Luckily, I have friends who volunteered to do it for me. To say I am computer illiterate in most areas is likely an understatement and I heartily laugh at myself about it. I am great at ‘copy and paste’ though!! I have learned through trial and error on my part that asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Why did you choose the title "One Soul's Journey"?

I love water and when searching for the cover for that book, I saw the picture of the stream tumbling forward over the rocks and to me, life is like that water, a journey, sometimes it is smooth, sometimes it is rocky.

When you're not writing, what are some things you like to do with your free time?

I listen to audiobooks while I knit.

What should everyone know about writing books?

It is harder than it looks. It takes time, perseverance, and lots of imagination.

How often do you write in a week? Do you try to write a certain goal number of words or chapters a day or do you just go with the flow?

I go with the flow. I try to write something every day, but I have no set schedule or goals. That is too much pressure to put on oneself. Writing for me is a joy, not a production line.

How do you usually get new ideas for your books? Do you use any tricks to get "in the zone" and get your creative juices flowing?

I flip through the internet for news or unusual stories. Or I may be researching a subject that interests me and a story will pop into my mind. But really, I never discount people watching or hearing about an event another has experienced as the greatest sources for ideas.

According to you, what is the perfect recipe for an amazing story?

Imagination and life. All one has to do is watch the world,

As an author, what kind of pressure or stress do you get from writing? What are some ways you find ways to have fun being an author even though it is a very demanding job?

I do not allow myself pressure or stress. My writing nook overlooks a pond where I have grazing deer, geese, ducks, a crane and lately a swan has flown in so I nature watch constantly when I am tired of writing a passage. Plus, I have a tiny Yorkie, Zoe, who thinks she is the writer, and I am but the transcriptionist, so when she demands attention, off we go!

Do you think someone can be an author without having discipline? Why or why not?

Not if one wants to be a good author. It takes commitment and a willingness to stick to a final goal. Not that it has to be a set amount of hours per day or words per day, but a goal of a finished product, the willingness to say “I can do it” and not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Are you working on anything new at the moment? If so, when can we expect its release or publication?

I am working on Book #3 of the Soul Series, yet to be titled. I hope it will be out in 2023, but as we all know, life has an unexpected way of tugging on us when least expected so I will see how it turns out.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

An absolute 10 stars. I couldn’t be happier with the AllAuthor.

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