About Author

Bekah Clark

Bekah Clark

Bekah Clark is an avid daydreamer and a romantic who is, more often than not, lost in her own little world. Writing has always been her passion, though it is only recently she's chosen to share her stories with others. She has a mundane day job that she chooses to not define her. By night, she's often typing away, letting her heart live her dreams.

Bekah Clark's Books

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Bekah Clark's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Bekah Clark.
** Also, there might be other book series by Bekah Clark not listed on AllAuthor.

  • The Frozen Queen

    1 The Frozen Queen: Reluctant Heir (Frozen Queen Series Book 1) - Published on Apr, 20152 The Frozen Queen: Suspended Heart - Published on Aug, 2020
  • Eternals

    1 The Hunter (Eternals) - Published on Sep, 2022
  • The Empress and the Assassin

    1 The Empress and the Assassin - Published on May, 2018
  • Rise of the Hawk

    1 The Hawk in Winter (Rise of the Hawk Book 1) - Published on May, 20152 The Raven in Spring (Rise of the Hawk Book 2) - Published on Sep, 20153 The Peacock in Summer (Rise of the Hawk Book 3) - Published on Nov, 20164 The Vulture in Fall (Rise of the Hawk Book 4) - Published on May, 20175 Rise of the Hawk: The Complete Series - Published on Apr, 2018
  • The Stone Sisters

    1 The Stone Sisters: Lyssa (The Stones Sisters Book 1) - Published on Apr, 2016

Bekah Clark Interview On 04, Apr 2019

"Bekah Clark spent a lot of time, even as a child, making up stories for fun. She wrote a lot of poetry growing up. Most of her books are a fantasy that has a romantic element in it. She tries not to base her characters on people she knows. She loves writing about sisters and the bonds they have. She feels some of her books bring across those things more successfully than others. She has a mundane day job that she chooses to not define her. By night, she's often typing away, letting her heart live her dreams."
Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Winchester Massachusetts. Growing up, I moved around a lot, but I spent a lot of time, even as a child, making up stories for fun. I was also big into climbing trees and I got in way too many fights with boys. I had one younger sister that I was very protective of, but we also argued a lot too. Now, I consider her my best friend.

Being an avid daydreamer, did you always want to be an author? What inspired you to write your first book?

I wrote a lot of poetry growing up. Some good, some not so good and some so sappy it will never see the light of day. I wanted to write a book, but hesitated for years. When my father suddenly died a tragic death, I poured myself into writing my first book. It was a coping mechanism which got me through a rough time and produced my first book: The Frozen Queen: Reluctant Heir.

You write a lot of romance novels. Do you also read books of the same genre? What other genres are you drawn to in terms of reading and writing?

While The Healer and the Warrior is a fantasy romance novel, it was actually an experiment to write a book where romance was the driving force of the book. Most of my books are fantasy that has a romantic element in it. But, I love reading romance novels, mostly paranormal romance novels, and fantasy as well as science fiction. I actually make a point of re-reading Dune by Frank Herbert every few years. Favorite authors of mine include Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer Armentrout, Elizabeth Hunter, Anne McCaffrey, Dannika Dark, and Karen Lynch. As you can see, I love a lot of indie authors, although some traditionally published ones as well.

You have shared a lot of pictures of flowers and trees on your Instagram profile. Tell us about that. Are you very fond of nature?

I love flowers and I'm blessed to live in an area where I often see deer and other wild life. Some of them make their way onto my Instagram as well.

How did you come up with the idea for The Healer and the Warrior? How long did it take for you to write it?

Oddly enough, sometimes a title is what influences me. I get a phrase in my head and let it roll around, wondering what it would mean for a story. In the case of The Healer and the Warrior, I wanted to write a story featuring people who had opposing purposes that came together. It took me about three months.

Are your characters a reflection of people you have met in real life? Who inspired the character of Zianya in "The Healer and the Warrior?"

I try not to base my characters on people I know. Instead, I like to dig deep inside me and get the feel of who the character is and then let them guide me into understanding their story. It sounds a lot more odd than it is.

How supportive is your family when it comes to your writing? Do they contribute to your stories in any way?

I went through a long period of not even writing poetry because my father was very much not supportive. He wanted me to work for him, which I did. And I went through a long time feeling writing was a waste of my time because that was what I was told. Repeatedly. After I wrote The Frozen Queen: Reluctant Heir, I let my sister read it. She's the one who told me that it was good and that I should keep at it. It is the reason why this book has one of my rare dedications. I'm a pretty private person, so I am more likely to tell the person, then put info about the person into my book. My mother is somewhat supportive since The Healer and the Warrior has been fairly successful, but I don't think she understands how much I truly love writing.

The Hawk in Winter takes place on Aemonsha which is a planet like ours. How do come up with the idea of creating such fantasy worlds and make them feel real to the readers?

I loved writing The Hawk in Winter. While The Frozen Queen series takes place on a distant world, in the far flung future and features humans, The Hawk in Winter is unique. I created the entire race of Aemerronsae. Where they came from, what makes them who they are, and the world they lived on with its purple oceans and lovely rings around the planet. I think it feels real to readers because it is real to me. I like creating balance for the powers people may have, because without balance, a character can become too powerful and unrealistic. There are many things that define a people. Without those things, a story can be imbalanced. So I need to create religion (or lack thereof), the general feelings of morality in a society (is sex frowned upon between those who are unmarried, or does no one care), and the history which came before (how they came to be there, were they created or brought, had there been wars before and why? Do they have legends and what are they?) Without all of these elements, the world suffers from lack of authenticity. I feel some of my books bring across those things more successfully than others. I think Rise of the Hawk series and The Empress and the Assassin series does the best to bring in all of these elements.

The Empress and the Assassin is a story of friendship, sisterhood, and the power of family and love. What inspired the story of Amalia and Staesha?

I like writing stories about sisters (such as The Stone Sisters) because my sister and I are so close and it inspires me. Even though none of my characters are like the two of us. I wanted to create a story with two women who have such a different start in life and how they grow to love one another so much that they become sisters. But they also have two very different paths. Staesha is destined to be an Empress, Amalia's path is to live in the shadows and do things that she would never have done before, except for the fact that she loves her new family so much, she'll do anything for them. But, I also wanted to add in another element. What would Amalia do when faced with another person becoming important to her? This series is growing to be a favorite among my work. The stories of the world are rich and varied.

How do you think the relationship between the three devoted sisters, Maevan, Korla, and Renna grew in from "The Hawk in Winter" to "The Vulture in Fall?"

The three girls grow in different ways. Maevan's love for her two younger sisters was the glue that held them. When Maevan is forced to leave her home, the two younger girls become closer and old rivalries fade. In the beginning of the series, they are all really young, but they grow a great deal through the series into young women. Each has their own way of shining and yet they stay true to the core of who they are. Maevan is extremely focused when it comes to training and what it takes to one day rule. Korla is not as expressive of her feelings, but as you get to know her, you realizes she has deep feeling. And Renna feels duty bound to learn with her sisters, but her heart is really a free spirit. I try to express these things even in their fighting style. Renna isn't as focused as her older sisters, which is why while she can fight well, she's not as good as the other two. Korla's feelings run deep and when she fights, it is brutal. And Maevan's focus is such that her way of battle is like an elegant dance. By the end of the series, they are more devoted to one another than ever, even if their lives are very different from the beginning of the series.

How did you begin writing The Stones Sisters series? How many books can we expect in this series?

I wanted to write a young adult novel with a flare of science fiction to it. And as I've said before, I love writing about sisters and the bonds they have. Lyssa and Lexa are two different girls. Lyssa is obsessed with protecting Lexa because of things which happened in their past. Lexa just wants to have a normal life. Because of her devoted love to Lexa, Lyssa does all she can to make their lives as normal as possible. There are going to be two books in the series. The second book has gone through some revisions and I'm hoping to get it out by the end of the year or the beginning of next.

If your book, "The Frozen Queen: Reluctant Heir" was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it? What was the highlight of the relationship between Phaedra and Kaeden?

This is actually a very difficult question since I'm not sure about who could act the role. I see images that fit the image of characters but as to celebrities playing the roles? I'm not sure. I do know that whoever played Phaedra would have to be able to go from a very young and spoiled sort of woman to one who has become strong and responsible. Phaedra and Kaeden have a devotion that springs up from having been together since they were very young. He has a strong sense of duty to protect Phaedra with all his might.

Which is your next book to come out? Tell us something about it.

I'm working on two books at this time. One is The Frozen Queen: Suspended Heart, it takes place many years after the events of Reluctant Heir. This book has also gone under major revisions. Originally it was going to be A Tale of Two Queens, but as I was writing it, I realized it just didn't flow the way I wanted, nor captured what I needed. Instead, Suspended Heart takes an entirely new path with out losing the arch of the three book series. I don't want to tell too much as I don't want to give away plot points from Reluctant Heir. My other book I'm working on is my first contemporary romance novel (because I wanted to try something new) called The Mother, the Daughter, and the Holy B*. The title is a little cheeky because the main character is a little cheeky. She's a woman who was on her way to making it in her chosen career, when the company decided to close the branch and consolidate. Due to various circumstances, rather than going to the main headquarters, she chooses to remain in Massachusetts so she can be close to her family. When her money runs out and she still can't find a job, she is forced to move into the home of the mother she adores and the grandmother who is a mean and manipulative woman that is a thorn in my main character's side. As she decides to make changes in her life and choose a different career path, she encounters a man that takes her breath away.

What are your top 5 writing and marketing tips that you would like to share with the young writers?

I'm not amazing at marketing, I'll be honest. However, I will say long before you put your book out, put out teasers to draw in your audience. As for writing. I'd say write, even if you don't put it out, if you have a story in your head, get it on paper, so to speak. Spend time with your characters in your head, get to know them so that they act more authentically in your book. Focus on the backstory of your world, depth is important. Don't be afraid to alter things if they aren't working. An outline is good, but don't be so tied to it. If an organic change comes in your writing, roll with it. I may or may not have made five points. Emoji

How long on an average does it take you to promote a book? How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?

I spend at least a little time each day with marketing. Whether it is creating a promotional image or a post about my book. All Author has been great. I love the promotional images that are sent each week and I love the cover of the month contest.

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